Monday, January 31, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Egyptian Troubles are a Fraud
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Egyptian Troubles are a Fraud: "The Egyptian troubles in the internet news are a fraud. First of all, moslem extremists are not pro-democracy demonstrators. It is clear tha..."
The Egyptian Troubles are a Fraud
The Egyptian troubles in the internet news are a fraud. First of all, moslem extremists are not pro-democracy demonstrators. It is clear that the demonstrators in Egypt are moslem al queda extremists. It is now clear that al queda is allied with the illegal OPEC oil monopoly, whose tenacles reach into the George W. Bush administration and beyond. A recent news report preducts "soaring oil prices" in America and Europe. In fact, oil production in Egypt is marginal. Additionally, Natural Gas production in the United States is continually increasing, and it is possible to make synthetic propane and gasoline from Natural Gas. Thus, there is no reason at all for gasoline prices to go up at the pump in the United States. It seems likely that the Egyptian "riots" are being staged by a corrupt, illegal coalition of moslem al queda extremists, OPEC oil sheiks, and big oil men in the George W. Bush administration.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Is Taylor Swift a Viable Presidential Cantidate?
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Is Taylor Swift a Viable Presidential Cantidate?: "Is the Taylor Swift on the White House Lawn? Given that Arnold Schwarzenneger, Sarah Palin, and N..."
Is Taylor Swift a Viable Presidential Cantidate?

Given that Arnold Schwarzenneger, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich are no longer viable presidential cantidates given the fact that none of them meet the Constitutional requirement of having been born in the United States, some Liberal Republicans are considering Taylor Swift for president. It can certainly be said that Taylor Swift considers herself to be a much better president than Obama. Moreover, Taylor Swift does not appear to be eating grits and hominy all the time like Barak Obama. Mr. Obama seems to be spending a great deal of his time looking in Washington, D.C., grocery stores for black eyed peas and collared greens. It appears that Mr. Obama's "black" constituency is concerned that Obama's mother was really a white, bosnian, moslem, and Obama's father was a communist cuban military officer who was creole cherokee. If Joe Biden would stop visiting the traitors, Hillary and Bill Clinton, in their home in Moscow, then Joe might have made a viable presidential cantidate. Perhaps Obama and Biden's KGB cards will not be going stale very soon.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Arizona "Shooting" Incident is Fraud by Obama
Sources in the National Security Agency are saying that the alleged shooting in Arizona has been faked, just like the 9/11 World Trade Center Incident was faked. Obama is attempting to consolidate power as a dictator by using the Arizona sitaution as an excuse to enact illegal, draconian gun control measures and also to try to illegally and unconstitutionally curtail the Natural Rights, the Constitutional Rights, and legal rights of those labeled "mentally ill." Already, you can see that the alleged defendant is being put into "psychiatric treatment," when he should be pleading innocent on the merits. I think that this is an Obama, Opus Dei, neocommunist, neonazi plot to expand the terror tactics of Homeland Security and implement draconian gun control laws in violation of Substantive Due Process, and the Militia Clause of the United States Constituion.
I am an expert in Law and Psychiatry, and an Experienced Litigator, and former Law Professor, and I am offering my services as a Legal Consultant, and as a Member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, and as a Son of Liberty, to help defend this guy from these charges. I think that this is some type of "frame" or "setup." The defendant should be pled innocent. Any other choice is ineffective assistance of counsel. This is clearly a political case. I would like to see the autopsy reports, the ballistics reports, the medical reports, and the police reports. For this guy to receive a fair trial, any alleged mental health issues should be kept out of the case. Moreover, the guy could get life in prison on a psychiatric ward, or perhaps even the death penalty, anyway, on some sort of trumped up "criminal insanity," charge. It may be that the judge and the prosecutor are guilty of the crimes of misprison of felony or felonious misprison (false imprisonment). The defendant has a right to a full Preliminary Hearing, and if he does not get a Preliminary Hearing within 48 hours of his arrest, with full due process, with the use of the Federal Rules of Evidence, then the defendant must be released.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
I am an expert in Law and Psychiatry, and an Experienced Litigator, and former Law Professor, and I am offering my services as a Legal Consultant, and as a Member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, and as a Son of Liberty, to help defend this guy from these charges. I think that this is some type of "frame" or "setup." The defendant should be pled innocent. Any other choice is ineffective assistance of counsel. This is clearly a political case. I would like to see the autopsy reports, the ballistics reports, the medical reports, and the police reports. For this guy to receive a fair trial, any alleged mental health issues should be kept out of the case. Moreover, the guy could get life in prison on a psychiatric ward, or perhaps even the death penalty, anyway, on some sort of trumped up "criminal insanity," charge. It may be that the judge and the prosecutor are guilty of the crimes of misprison of felony or felonious misprison (false imprisonment). The defendant has a right to a full Preliminary Hearing, and if he does not get a Preliminary Hearing within 48 hours of his arrest, with full due process, with the use of the Federal Rules of Evidence, then the defendant must be released.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: New Gingrich is Betraying Pennsylvania
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: New Gingrich is Betraying Pennsylvania: "Newt Gingrich is a traitor for calling for the abolishing of EPA (the Environmental Protection Agency). In Pennsylvania there are still t..."
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: New Gingrich is Betraying Pennsylvania
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: New Gingrich is Betraying Pennsylvania: "Newt Gingrich is a traitor for calling for the abolishing of EPA (the Environmental Protection Agency). In Pennsylvania there are still t..."
Newt Gingrich is Betraying Pennsylvania
Newt Gingrich is a traitor for calling for the abolishing of EPA (the Environmental Protection Agency). In Pennsylvania there are still terrible pollution problems. For example, on the day after Thanksgiving, in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, there was some sort of inversion layer which caused a huge Cyanide Gas Cloud to hover over the area, and it may be that thousands of persons died from this cyanide smog. Also, it appears that Methyl Chloride Gas is mixing with fog in the air, which results in people breathing poisoned air. Moreover, it also appears that Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, does not have a Three Stage Water Sewage Treatment Plant. Thus, it seems that sewage with piss and shit is being dumped into the Allegheny River only a short distance away from where drinking water for the County is being pumped out of the river. At times, you can actuall smell the sewer gas coming out of your kitchen water tap. So, Mr. Gingrich, more needs to be done to make sure that BAT (Best Available Technology) is being used, rather than some budget cutting cosmetic change in agencies. And Mr. Gingrich, the public still wants to know if you received jail time for embezzling money from the House Bank, and for presenting fraudulent postal expenses to the House Post Office. Does America really need a president who still may be doing jail time?
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Monday, January 24, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Karl Marx, Dialectical Materialism and Capitalism
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Karl Marx, Dialectical Materialism and Capitalism: "Law and Economics shows that Marxist Dialectical Materialism Supports Reasonable Capitalism In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx sta..."
Karl Marx, Dialectical Materialism and Capitalism

Law and Economics shows that Marxist Dialectical Materialism
Supports Reasonable Capitalism
In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx states that all economic activity is based upon Dialectical Materialism. Now, of course Dialectical Materialism cannot mean merely physical forces, otherwise, dialectical materialism would just involve physical weather patterns, or some such thing, which really does not make much sense economically. Instead, we can see that "Dialectic" is a sort of process which involves various daoist or dialectical relationships. Thus, it is apparent that Dialectic Materialism, when applied to economics, involves the following relationships:
The Dialectic of Supply and Demand.
The Dialectic of Buyer and Seller.
The Dialectic of Wisdom and Ignorance.
The Dialectic of Good and Evil.
The Dialectic of Male and Female.
The Dialectic of Ying and Yang.
The Dialtectic of the Reasonable and the Unreasonable.
Given the foregoing, we can see that a command and control type, centrally planned economy violates the principle of Dialectical Materialism. Thus, we can see that the idea Supply Side Economics, put forth by Ronald Reagan is stupid and non-dialectic. You see, without the notion of Demand, it would seem that government would use coercive force to inauthentically tell people what to buy or want, or even need, rather than the real thing. Supply Side Economics involves only one side of the Dialectical relationship of Supply and Demand, and therefore violates communist economic principles as well as capitalist economic principles. Of course, instead of selfish and stupid short term profit maximization as a business or corporate goal, the end of business, or corporate, or economic activity should be to produce a reasonable profit, using reasonable management practices.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Major Banks are Violating the Federal Sherman Anti...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Major Banks are Violating the Federal Sherman Anti...: "Major Banks are violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. It is clear that 15 United States Code, Section 1, et. seq., that is, the Sherman Ant..."
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Major Banks are Violating the Federal Sherman Anti...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Major Banks are Violating the Federal Sherman Anti...: "Major Banks are violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. It is clear that 15 United States Code, Section 1, et. seq., that is, the Sherman Ant..."
Major Banks are Violating the Federal Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Major Banks are violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. It is clear that 15 United States Code, Section 1, et. seq., that is, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, makes it a federal crime for a Bank or other corporation to conspire to fix prices for goods and or services. A Bank or an Bank Officer can receive a $10,000,000 fine, or 3 years in Federal Prison, or both. The corrupt banks in the United States are so arrogant that they are actually publishing news stories that they are illegally agreeing to set the same banking fees. Thus, in the last several months, Yahoo News has carried the news story that Major United States Banks have agreed to raise checking account fees from nothing, to $9 per month, and now to $25 per month. This corrupt behavior by these Bankers is a felonious violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. For example, two weeks after the Yahoo News Story on the Collusive $9 a month fee by Major Banks, Citizens Bank, operating in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with Corporate Offices in Rhode Island, illegally raised it checking account fee to $9 per month in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
Why isn't the Obama Administration prosecuting these banks? It almost seems as thought the negro president, Barak Obama thinks that he is the corrupt dictator, Papa Doc Devaulier here in the United Staetes. Moreover, where the hell is Congress on this? Why aren't hearings being held in Congress as to this serious violoating of Federal Law by bankers? Soon, it will be impossible for an ordinary American to have a checking account or even be able to cash a check. If this keeps up, soon there is going to be a Civil War, with ordinary Americans against the corrupt corporations and beaurocrats in government and Homeland Security. The Obama Administration is a lawless rabble at best, a corrupt illegal government, at worst. Up the Republic, down with Tyranny! Prosecute Citizens Bank for a Criminal Anti-Trust Violation under the Sherman Act.
Supplemental Report. It now appears that the Illegal Anti-Trust fee setting by Banks such as Citizens Bank, has been illegally required by the American Banking Association. Sources in the National Security Agency indicate that the American Banking Association is being controlled by the Russian KGB in Leningrad, Soviet Russia.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Federal 2010 Budget Deficit is Milktoast
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Federal 2010 Budget Deficit is Milktoast: "Senator Dick Army, from Texas, is reporting that the Federal Budget deficit for the year 2010 was only $1.3 trillion dollars, down from the..."
Federal 2010 Budget Deficit is Milktoast

Senator Dick Army, from Texas, is reporting that the Federal Budget deficit for the year 2010 was only $1.3 trillion dollars, down from the projected $14 trillion dollar budget that Obama was predicting last year. In fact, the 2010 Federal Budget deficit is the lowest that it has been in the last 5 years. Senator Army is talking about cutting the military budget by a few billion dollars, but I say, so what, who cares? First of all, assuming that we are still in a recession, experienced economists all say that the Federal Government should run a moderate deficit during a recession. Also, the last time I looked, the cost of a Stealth B-1 Bomber was about $4.5 trillion dollars. So, if Mr. Army wants to cut the defense budget, all we have to do is cancel the order for one new B-1 bomber, and we are in great shape. Also, as I have said before, America could use, off budget, non tax money, from the Federal Reserve Economic Development Fund, which is relatively free money, to cut the deficit and to shore up the Social Security Old Age and Disability Funds, and it could also be used to fund low cost Student Loans and Grants for college and graduate students, across the board, without regard to race or income. The only serious negative consequence of such funding and spending is the possibility of high inflation. However, the only serious inflation that the United States has ever experienced was that which resulted from the illegal, monopolistic, OPEC Oil embargo, during the 1970's, which should have been stopped by the CIA suing covert means. You see, if price fixing is an illegal violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act here at home, then we really can't allow it abroad either. Additionally, currency artibrage can also be used to stabilize the American Dollar and reduce inflation if it appears. However, given the fact that local banks are only paying 1/2% interest on savings accounts, the odds of seeing any double digit inflation appear to be very unlikely. Once again, only illegal price fixing is going to cause retail prices to go up. For example, two recent new stories on the internet stated that major US banks had illegally agreed to raise checking account fees in violaton of the Sherman Anti-trust Act and the FDIC and Federal Reserve Acts. These corrupt bankers must eliminate these illegal checking account fees or go to jail for long term Federal Prison Sentences.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Homeland Security is Illegal under the Federal Pos...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Homeland Security is Illegal under the Federal Pos...: "The above Pictures is photo of the illegally deployed Homeland Se..."
Homeland Security is Illegal under the Federal Posse Comitatus Act of 1878

The above Pictures is photo of the illegally deployed
Homeland Security (Nazi SS) forces illegally patrolling
Penn Central Train Station in New York City.
all United States Marshalls, also known as the United States Army Air Corps,
is permitted to enage in law enforcement activities or counter-espionage
activities across state lines in the United States of America.
Homeland Security is an illegal national police force in violation of the Posse Camitatus Act of 1878, and therefore, an Homeland Security official or employee can be tried for Treason and executed. Under the Posse Camitatus Act of 1878, only United States Marshall's, acting independently, as the Nebraska, Dakota, or Texas, Territorial Militia, are allowed to enage in law enforcement across state lines. Such United States Marshall's are known, togather, as the Posse Comitatus. To me a member of the Posse Comitatus you must be a male, lineal desecendant of a United States Marshall, or a male lineal descendant of a Revolutionary War veteran (on the American side of course), or you must have attended a highschool Military Science/Social Studies Course, which is, Military History, and, you and your parents must be United States Citizens and must have been born in the United States of America. The Posse Comitatus is also known as the American Militia, or the United States Army Air Corps, that is, the Seventh Army. All Speical Forces Units, all United States Air Force Units, and all Airborne Units fight under the Command of the Seventh Army, the American Militia, the United States Army Air Corps (the Ariel Balloon Corps). The activities of the foregoing military units are outlawed under various Hague Convention Military Treaties, and thus can only be placed in the Militia, which is technically, civillian. The United States is not bound by the Hague Convention of 1895, which purports to state that any Militia is bound by the Rules of War.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Homeland Security is an illegal national police force in violation of the Posse Camitatus Act of 1878, and therefore, an Homeland Security official or employee can be tried for Treason and executed. Under the Posse Camitatus Act of 1878, only United States Marshall's, acting independently, as the Nebraska, Dakota, or Texas, Territorial Militia, are allowed to enage in law enforcement across state lines. Such United States Marshall's are known, togather, as the Posse Comitatus. To me a member of the Posse Comitatus you must be a male, lineal desecendant of a United States Marshall, or a male lineal descendant of a Revolutionary War veteran (on the American side of course), or you must have attended a highschool Military Science/Social Studies Course, which is, Military History, and, you and your parents must be United States Citizens and must have been born in the United States of America. The Posse Comitatus is also known as the American Militia, or the United States Army Air Corps, that is, the Seventh Army. All Speical Forces Units, all United States Air Force Units, and all Airborne Units fight under the Command of the Seventh Army, the American Militia, the United States Army Air Corps (the Ariel Balloon Corps). The activities of the foregoing military units are outlawed under various Hague Convention Military Treaties, and thus can only be placed in the Militia, which is technically, civillian. The United States is not bound by the Hague Convention of 1895, which purports to state that any Militia is bound by the Rules of War.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Is Barak Obama an Illegal President?

Is Barak Obama a Communist Spy from Cuba?
The United States Constitution requires that a Presdential Cantidate, and the President of the United States be a United States Citizen for life, and his parents as well. It appears that Barak Obama and his parents are hard core moslems, and were not born in the United States. Obama must be impeached. Why isn't this being reported in the New York Times and the Washington Post?
Friday, January 21, 2011
Sheriff's Law
The English Common Law, Roman Law, Greek Law, and Chinese Law, is all based upon Sheriff's Law, or Druid Law, which is bound by, and maniftests through the use of the Rule of Logic. Sheriff's Law is legitimated by the Rule of Logic, that is, that Sheriff's Law is valid because it does not involve a logical contradiction. It is said that Sheriff's Law, based upon the Rule of Logic, was legitimated and promulgated by Phillip of Macedon, Emperor of Greece, Augustus Caesar, Emperor of Rome, Ton Tzu, the Emperor of China (Han Dynasty), Anthony Pendragon, King and Emperor of Great Britain, and King Richard the Lionhearted, who is Pope Innocent III, King Louis XIV of France, Immortal, and Czar Peter the Great of Russia. Jurisidction on the Assizes, or Sheriff's Law, is only valid if the Rule of Logic is followed, and if the Sheriff fails to do so, he can be disciplined by the King or Emperor. Sheriff's Law starts with the notion of Possession or Ownership of Property, and works outward from there. This is the basis for Feudal Law. The primary crime and tort in Sheriff's Law is Nuisance. Nuisance is defined as that legal offense resulting from the unreasonable use of property which harms another unreasonably. From Property Law is derived the notion of Liberty of Contract and Liberty of Conduct.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Obama Social Security Changes are Fraud

Yahoo News is reporting that Obama is ordering Social Security taxes lowered, with the money to be made up with money from general income tax revenue. This is fraud on the American People. Obama is a Cuban Spy trying to purposely destroy America. First, this change has not been passed by Congress. There was no December legislation as stated by Obama. Additionally, you can see that soon, Obama will cut the general funding from income tax revenue as a "budget cutting" measure, and us this as an excuse to cut Social Security benefits for the elderly and disabled. What Obama is doing is fraud. Obama is committing Constitutional Treason. Obama must be impeached and thrown out of office.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Does Vice President Joe Biden vacation in Moscow?
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Does Vice President Joe Biden vacation in Moscow?: "Does Vice President Joe Biden really work for the KGB? There are certain signs which indicate KGB corruption. First, Joe Biden's fath..."
Does Vice President Joe Biden vacation in Moscow?

Does Vice President Joe Biden really work for the KGB? There are certain signs which indicate KGB corruption. First, Joe Biden's father was a used car salesman, hardly a reputable family origin. Leaving aside the charges that Biden is really Soviet Russian spy, there is the continuing plagiarism problem with Biden. First Biden plagiarized one third of a law review article, a gross, malicious plagiarism incident, which was seemingly only able to covered up by KGB Moscow. Of course this does not even deal with the Biden plagiarism incident when Biden was a United States Senator. Biden has somehow avoided wire fraud and mail fraud charges, both serious criminal offenses. Biden is refusing to disclose his passport information indicating how often he vacations in Moscow, Soviet Russia, to visit his sexual playmates. On the other hand, confidential sources in the John McCain presidential campaign are saying the Joe Biden is an active homosexual who goes to Moscow, Soviet Russia to visit his homosexual boyfriend G. Mantangos, formerly KGB California and Pennsylvania, who is Boris Yeltsin's laid off boyfriend.
The corrupt vice president, Joe Biden, is the ILLEGAL Vice President of the Law Center at Widener University in the year 2010, in violation of Federal Law.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Is "Senator" John McCain a Chinese KGB Spy?

It may be that Senator John McCain from Arizona is really a Chinese KGB Spy. Confidential sources in the Newt Gingrich presidential campaign are now saying that the real John McCain was illegally killed by the communist North Vietnamese when McCain was a prisoner during the Vietnam war, and was replaced by a KGB lookalike spy who underwent plastic surgery to look like the real McCain. It has been said that John McCain has 5 chinese wives in Shanghia, China, who the pseudo Dick McCain visits on a regular basis for sexual pleasure. At this point McCain has not made his birth certificate nor his passport(s) public regarding any pleasure trips to communist China. It is clear that Dick McCain was not born in the United States, and that he almost flunked out of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, finishing at the bottom of his class. McCain was consistently insubordinate and rebellious as a naval officer, often refusing to follow the legitimate orders of his superior officers. One suspects that John McCain's real finger prints and foot prints from his birth records do not match the current lookalike fake finger prints. It may be that his dental records to not match either. McCain has been in the news in America of late, making vile, evil arguments to repeal constitutional protections for traditional Americans.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Friday, January 7, 2011
Palin for President is a Losing Proposition

Is this really Sarah Palin and her boyfriend hunting for small children in a swimming pool in Vladivostok?

Is this really president Barak Obama shining Sarah Palin's high heel shoes at the Airport in Vladivostok?
It appears that the fascist, conservative branch of the Republican party is getting desperate. Instead of trying to find a good Liberal Republican like Dick Nixon, the fascist, conservative wing of the republican party seems to scraping the bottom of the barrel for a cantidate for president. You see, Senator Palin is not really Senator Palin, she is really the former mayor of a small, one horse town in Alaska, named Wasilla, where she is a known, illegal marijuana user. Palin is literally in bed with big corrupt Oil, as her husband works for British Petroleum, the same company who just destroyed the American Gulf of Texas with the oil tanker spill, which may have been done intentionally. While it appears that Sarah Palin is a dike who is some sort of gun nut, even her National Rifle Association membership is in question. Even worse, anonymous sources in the Newt Gingrich campaign are saying confidentially that Sarah Palin is really a homosexual crossdresser, that is a transvestite male who wears women's clothes. It may be true that Sarah Palin "vacations" in Vladivostok, Soviet Russia, right next to her alleged home in Alaska. Is Sarah Palin really another
Soviet Russian spy? Inquiring minds wish to know. The Nixon Republicans would like to see Sarah Palin's birth certificate, and her gradeschool and highschool transcripts. It would be wonderful to see her college transcripts, but it appears she (he?) was not smart enough to go to college. One suspects that the job of being president of the United States at least requires a college degree in basket weaving, or some such thing. In the end, the real question is wheter Sarah Palin is working for Soviet Russia, the Russian Federation, or the Russian Republic. Any such situation would be disasterous for America.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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