Major Banks are violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. It is clear that 15 United States Code, Section 1, et. seq., that is, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, makes it a federal crime for a Bank or other corporation to conspire to fix prices for goods and or services. A Bank or an Bank Officer can receive a $10,000,000 fine, or 3 years in Federal Prison, or both. The corrupt banks in the United States are so arrogant that they are actually publishing news stories that they are illegally agreeing to set the same banking fees. Thus, in the last several months, Yahoo News has carried the news story that Major United States Banks have agreed to raise checking account fees from nothing, to $9 per month, and now to $25 per month. This corrupt behavior by these Bankers is a felonious violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. For example, two weeks after the Yahoo News Story on the Collusive $9 a month fee by Major Banks, Citizens Bank, operating in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with Corporate Offices in Rhode Island, illegally raised it checking account fee to $9 per month in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
Why isn't the Obama Administration prosecuting these banks? It almost seems as thought the negro president, Barak Obama thinks that he is the corrupt dictator, Papa Doc Devaulier here in the United Staetes. Moreover, where the hell is Congress on this? Why aren't hearings being held in Congress as to this serious violoating of Federal Law by bankers? Soon, it will be impossible for an ordinary American to have a checking account or even be able to cash a check. If this keeps up, soon there is going to be a Civil War, with ordinary Americans against the corrupt corporations and beaurocrats in government and Homeland Security. The Obama Administration is a lawless rabble at best, a corrupt illegal government, at worst. Up the Republic, down with Tyranny! Prosecute Citizens Bank for a Criminal Anti-Trust Violation under the Sherman Act.
Supplemental Report. It now appears that the Illegal Anti-Trust fee setting by Banks such as Citizens Bank, has been illegally required by the American Banking Association. Sources in the National Security Agency indicate that the American Banking Association is being controlled by the Russian KGB in Leningrad, Soviet Russia.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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