Is this really Sarah Palin and her boyfriend hunting for small children in a swimming pool in Vladivostok?

Is this really president Barak Obama shining Sarah Palin's high heel shoes at the Airport in Vladivostok?
It appears that the fascist, conservative branch of the Republican party is getting desperate. Instead of trying to find a good Liberal Republican like Dick Nixon, the fascist, conservative wing of the republican party seems to scraping the bottom of the barrel for a cantidate for president. You see, Senator Palin is not really Senator Palin, she is really the former mayor of a small, one horse town in Alaska, named Wasilla, where she is a known, illegal marijuana user. Palin is literally in bed with big corrupt Oil, as her husband works for British Petroleum, the same company who just destroyed the American Gulf of Texas with the oil tanker spill, which may have been done intentionally. While it appears that Sarah Palin is a dike who is some sort of gun nut, even her National Rifle Association membership is in question. Even worse, anonymous sources in the Newt Gingrich campaign are saying confidentially that Sarah Palin is really a homosexual crossdresser, that is a transvestite male who wears women's clothes. It may be true that Sarah Palin "vacations" in Vladivostok, Soviet Russia, right next to her alleged home in Alaska. Is Sarah Palin really another
Soviet Russian spy? Inquiring minds wish to know. The Nixon Republicans would like to see Sarah Palin's birth certificate, and her gradeschool and highschool transcripts. It would be wonderful to see her college transcripts, but it appears she (he?) was not smart enough to go to college. One suspects that the job of being president of the United States at least requires a college degree in basket weaving, or some such thing. In the end, the real question is wheter Sarah Palin is working for Soviet Russia, the Russian Federation, or the Russian Republic. Any such situation would be disasterous for America.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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