Given that Arnold Schwarzenneger, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich are no longer viable presidential cantidates given the fact that none of them meet the Constitutional requirement of having been born in the United States, some Liberal Republicans are considering Taylor Swift for president. It can certainly be said that Taylor Swift considers herself to be a much better president than Obama. Moreover, Taylor Swift does not appear to be eating grits and hominy all the time like Barak Obama. Mr. Obama seems to be spending a great deal of his time looking in Washington, D.C., grocery stores for black eyed peas and collared greens. It appears that Mr. Obama's "black" constituency is concerned that Obama's mother was really a white, bosnian, moslem, and Obama's father was a communist cuban military officer who was creole cherokee. If Joe Biden would stop visiting the traitors, Hillary and Bill Clinton, in their home in Moscow, then Joe might have made a viable presidential cantidate. Perhaps Obama and Biden's KGB cards will not be going stale very soon.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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