The above Pictures is photo of the illegally deployed
Homeland Security (Nazi SS) forces illegally patrolling
Penn Central Train Station in New York City.
all United States Marshalls, also known as the United States Army Air Corps,
is permitted to enage in law enforcement activities or counter-espionage
activities across state lines in the United States of America.
Homeland Security is an illegal national police force in violation of the Posse Camitatus Act of 1878, and therefore, an Homeland Security official or employee can be tried for Treason and executed. Under the Posse Camitatus Act of 1878, only United States Marshall's, acting independently, as the Nebraska, Dakota, or Texas, Territorial Militia, are allowed to enage in law enforcement across state lines. Such United States Marshall's are known, togather, as the Posse Comitatus. To me a member of the Posse Comitatus you must be a male, lineal desecendant of a United States Marshall, or a male lineal descendant of a Revolutionary War veteran (on the American side of course), or you must have attended a highschool Military Science/Social Studies Course, which is, Military History, and, you and your parents must be United States Citizens and must have been born in the United States of America. The Posse Comitatus is also known as the American Militia, or the United States Army Air Corps, that is, the Seventh Army. All Speical Forces Units, all United States Air Force Units, and all Airborne Units fight under the Command of the Seventh Army, the American Militia, the United States Army Air Corps (the Ariel Balloon Corps). The activities of the foregoing military units are outlawed under various Hague Convention Military Treaties, and thus can only be placed in the Militia, which is technically, civillian. The United States is not bound by the Hague Convention of 1895, which purports to state that any Militia is bound by the Rules of War.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Homeland Security is an illegal national police force in violation of the Posse Camitatus Act of 1878, and therefore, an Homeland Security official or employee can be tried for Treason and executed. Under the Posse Camitatus Act of 1878, only United States Marshall's, acting independently, as the Nebraska, Dakota, or Texas, Territorial Militia, are allowed to enage in law enforcement across state lines. Such United States Marshall's are known, togather, as the Posse Comitatus. To me a member of the Posse Comitatus you must be a male, lineal desecendant of a United States Marshall, or a male lineal descendant of a Revolutionary War veteran (on the American side of course), or you must have attended a highschool Military Science/Social Studies Course, which is, Military History, and, you and your parents must be United States Citizens and must have been born in the United States of America. The Posse Comitatus is also known as the American Militia, or the United States Army Air Corps, that is, the Seventh Army. All Speical Forces Units, all United States Air Force Units, and all Airborne Units fight under the Command of the Seventh Army, the American Militia, the United States Army Air Corps (the Ariel Balloon Corps). The activities of the foregoing military units are outlawed under various Hague Convention Military Treaties, and thus can only be placed in the Militia, which is technically, civillian. The United States is not bound by the Hague Convention of 1895, which purports to state that any Militia is bound by the Rules of War.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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