The Crime of Misprison of Felon, at the Common Law, is analogous to the Crime of False Imprisonment. In a situation where a cop, or an EMS driver, of a Prosecutor, or a Judge, or a Sheriff, etc., throws a person or eixstant into prison or a ward or a nursing home without Due Process and without a Full Adversarial Jury Trial, the prisoner, whether "guilty" or not can, charge the Prison Guards and or the Warden, and or, the Judge, and the Prosecutor, the prisoner can charge the foregoing with Misprison of Felon. The theory behind this is that each person or existnat is presumed innocent until proven guilty after a full Adversarial, Due Process, Jury Trial. The use of the charge of MIsprison of Felon is designed to be used in a system where a person or existant is presumed guilty and is just thrown in jail. Thus, the idea is that even the "guilty" person or existant can bring the charge of Misprison of Felon because he or she or hae has been denied his or her or hae Freedom without Due Process, in violation of Sheriff''s Law, Magna Charta, Grotius, Pennsylvania Charter of 1681, the Delcaration of Independence, the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, the Maryland Constituion of 1776, and the United States Constitution of 1789. (The foregoing is not to be confused with the unconstitutional crime of Misprison of Felony)..
The Foregoing is a Legal Opinion by Anthony J Fejfar B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd., Coif,
Member United States Supreme Court Bar.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Opus Dei-Al Quaida Headquarters in Jakarta Indonesia

Terrorist who wants white slavery for American
white women and girls.
The world headquarters for the illegal Trilateral Commission, also know as the Dutch East India Company, is in Jakarta, Indonesia. Both George W. Bush and Barak Obama spend time in Jakarta on Trilateral Commission matters on a regular basis. The Trilateral Commission, namely, the Dutch East Company, is also Opus-Dei and Al Queda (Al Quaida). The Trilateral Commission has its major political and military presence in South Africa, India, and Indonesia. Barak Obama has stated that he is now the majority share holder in the Dutch East India Company, and before him, George W. Bush. It appears that the Dutch East India Company and the Trilateral Commission is run by mullatt-creole neo-nazis with significant support and power involvement by the Japanese. Of course, we all know that Al Queda is a moslem, anti-Christian organization, so it is no surprise that Indonesia is 86% moslem, and typically white or asian, or pacific islander, ethnically. The FBI and CIA must check out all persons who are traveling to Holland, Indonesia, South Africa, and India. This is where the top Al Queda-Dutch East India Company Trilateral Commission plan their evil terrorist activities. Moreover, a significant activity of the Dutch East India Company is to kidnap good looking American women and girls and sell them into white slavery in Asia and India as prostitutes. California is where these women and girls are typically kidnapped. Obama must stop this situation by bombing Jakarta, Indoensia into oblivion, or face his own elimination for treason.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
On Being an American Socialist
The Communist Manifesto of the American Socialist Party, following Karl Marx, stands for the following:
1. To each according to his, her, and or hae need, from each
according to his, her and or hae ability
2. Never treat a person merely as a means to an end.
3. Avoid the commodity fetishism of materialism
4. Do not believe in the false god of irrational authority.
5. Treat another as you would wish to be treated in similar circumstances.
6. The Law must favor those in genuine need.
7. Strive to act reasonably.
8. Avoid the crime and sin of hypocrisy.
9. Strive to live a simple life without being poor.
10. It is a crime and a sin to be a sophist.
11. Every person, without exception, has an individual, natural right of life, existence, liberty,
the pursuit of happiness, contract, property, and reputation, and the individual and
natural right to defend the same, anterior to the existence of the state.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011 C.E,) by Thomas the Apostle, Neothomism, P.C. (PA), King Louis the XIV of New France, House of Stuart, Immortal, and the American People and The People of God as a Public Domain Copyright.
1. To each according to his, her, and or hae need, from each
according to his, her and or hae ability
2. Never treat a person merely as a means to an end.
3. Avoid the commodity fetishism of materialism
4. Do not believe in the false god of irrational authority.
5. Treat another as you would wish to be treated in similar circumstances.
6. The Law must favor those in genuine need.
7. Strive to act reasonably.
8. Avoid the crime and sin of hypocrisy.
9. Strive to live a simple life without being poor.
10. It is a crime and a sin to be a sophist.
11. Every person, without exception, has an individual, natural right of life, existence, liberty,
the pursuit of happiness, contract, property, and reputation, and the individual and
natural right to defend the same, anterior to the existence of the state.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011 C.E,) by Thomas the Apostle, Neothomism, P.C. (PA), King Louis the XIV of New France, House of Stuart, Immortal, and the American People and The People of God as a Public Domain Copyright.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Assassination Committee
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Assassination Committee: Has Obama really had the Clinton's assassinated for being Soviet Spys? The illegal assassination master Barak Obama Reuters News h...
The Obama Assassination Committee

Has Obama really had the Clinton's assassinated
for being Soviet Spys?
The illegal assassination master Barak Obama
Reuters News has reported that Barak Obama has put togather an illegal assassination committee which is a subcommitteee of the Obama National Security Council. It appears that Obama has Bill, Hillary, and Chelsae Clinton on the top of his assassination list, in that it seems thtat the Clinton's are in fact Soveit Spys who reguarly vacation in Moscow. In fact, it may be that the Clintons have already been killed by an Obama hit squad.
(C)Copyright (2011 C.E.) by and in The American People as a Public Domain copyright.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Clinton and Obama and The Mendellin Drug Cartel

Is this really a photo of Clinton and Obama in Ecuador
at the Mendellin Drug Cartel meeting?
After discussing the matter with Adam Wiensch, it may be that Clinton and Obama are involved with the Mendellin Drug Cartel which has now moved from Columbia, South America, to Ecuador, South America. Confidential information indicates that both Clinton and Obama were in Ecuador in the last year to illegally participate the the criminal OPEC oil conference. While Clinton and Obama in Ecuador for the illegal OPEC meeting, it appears that they also attended a Mendellin Drug Cartel meeting with Consuelo Escobar, a.k.a., Pablo Escobar cross dressing. Of course, this is confirmed by the rather improbable position that Obama took on his Federal Income Tax return, last year, that he made over 5 million dollars in royalties, rather than declare the income as illegal drug money. It sems that Obama took the Presidential Airplane, Air Force One to Ecudor, while Bill Clinton took a private Lear Jet with University of Nebraska Law Dean, Harvey Pearlman.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Enforicing Sheriff's Law under the Natural Law Nat...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Enforicing Sheriff's Law under the Natural Law Nat...: "The United States of America has a legal right to survive. The survival of The State is a good that must be recognized. When there is corr..."
Enforicing Sheriff's Law under the Natural Law National Security Act

The United States of America has a legal right to survive. The survival of The State is a good that must be recognized. When there is corruption, incompetence, and treason, to the extent that The United States is not a Just or Near Just Society, The United States reverts to the Territorial Constitution of 1781, and the Natural Law Natural Security Act which enforces Sheriff's Law, The Law of Logic, which criminalizes Sophistry under the federal crimes of Treason and Criminal Nuisance. A person who is Law Review, Order of the Coif, and a Member of The United States Supreme Court Bar becomes a National Security Judge with the legal power to Enforce federal Sheriff's Law. Sheriff's Law crimnalizes a person engaging in criminal acts of sophistry, such as, The Fallacy of Shifting Ground and the Fallacy of Hypocrisy. Sheriff's Law, The Law of Logic is cross-culturally and universally valid, and therefore can be enforced against traitors and those who are engaging in espionage for a foreign government, a treasonous organization, or a rump government. This legal approach to National Security is a middle ground between no national security natural law at all and at the othr extreme, assertions of national security which are totally arbitrary and self-serving by the very persons who are the traitors, typically in government or other key socio-political sectors of American culture. In this way, it is legally possible to recover from a situation where an unjust american society has developed, using legal natural law principles which are anterior to the state. Since the Law of Logic can be proven cross culturally and universally valid with concrete logic and logical positivism, this Law of Logic can legally attack the corrupt, traitorous state, legally using natural law which is anterior to the state, as the Declaration of Independence tells us with the natural law princples of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011 C.E) by Anthony J. Fejfar, Joshua Avery Fejfar, Cristina Elise Fejfar, Neothomism, P.C., (PA), and the American People as a Public Domain Copyright.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Liberty-License and Criminal Law
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Liberty-License and Criminal Law: "Following John Locke and Grotius, Liberty is based on Reason, while License is based upon Unreasonable Sophistry. Now, following Magna Chart..."
Liberty-License and Criminal Law
Following John Locke and Grotius, Liberty is based on Reason, while License is based upon Unreasonable Sophistry. Now, following Magna Charta, Grotius, The Pennsylvania Charter of 1681, and the Declaration of Independence, Law or Governement, or any Group which purports to apply law or enforce law, must act in accordance with Reason in order to comply with the Requirement of Natural Law. Natural Law, which is based upon the Law of Logic and the Rule of Reason, provides that Government can only criminalize behavior is involves license. The government cannot criminalize that which is accordance with Liberty. You see, government is required to act in accordance with reason. Yet, at the same time, it is clear that if a person or existant, is acting reasonably within his,her, or hae, zone of Liberty, then such libertarian conduct or speech or thought cannot reasonably be criminalized by the State. You see, there is not gap between Liberty and license. The govenment can only lawfully prohibit or regulate license, not Liberty. You see, there is no gap between that which is reasonable and that which is unreasonable, either it is, or it isn't. Accordingly, if what a person or existant does or says is reasonable, then the government cannot criminalize it nor can the government regulate it. Following Magna Charta, Grotius, John Locke, The Pennslyvania Charter of 1681, The Declaration of Independence, The Pennsylvania Constitution, and the American Constitution, governement can only interfere with a person or existant's Liberty of reasonable conduct and speech, if the government's law and actions are in accordance with reason, and in addition, where the law or governement actions are ratioinally related to a legitimate state interest. (See, Lochner vs. New York, NAACP vs. Button, Lugar vs. Edmundson Oil, all soundly reasoned and valid United States Supreme Court Cases). Thus, we can see that it is unreanable and irratioinal and illegitimate for government to attempt to criminalize or regulate conduct and speech of a person or existant which is reasonable. In other word, it is illogical sophistry, and a Violation of Sheriff's Law for the goverment to criminalize or regualte that which is reasonable conduct, or beliefs, or speech. That which is reasonable cannot be reasonably criminilized, such a move would be sophistry on the part of government and would be a violation of Sheriff's Law.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Trade Associations and The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Trade Associations and The Sherman Anti-Trust Act: "Grocery Stores and other businesses belong to Trade Associations where they allegedly just go to evaluate new product for sale, and the like..."
Trade Associations and The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Grocery Stores and other businesses belong to Trade Associations where they allegedly just go to evaluate new product for sale, and the like. In fact most trade associations are where all the grocery stores chains, for example, go to illegally set retail grocery prices in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. This criminal conduct on the part of grocery stores must stop. A can of Campbell's Soup, wholesale to a retail grocery stores only costs the grocery store 3-5 cents a can, while the same can of soup is selling for $1.75 a can to the public at the retail grocery store level. Such grocery stores are gouging and are illegally and criminally colluding in violation of the Federal, Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The FBI must start sending undercover agents into grocery stores and grocery store trade association meeting, typically held at Carribean Resorts, just outside the United States, and get the evidence to arrest these grocery store criminals.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C., (PA) and
The American Public as a Public Domain Copyright.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C., (PA) and
The American Public as a Public Domain Copyright.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Obama Scores Hole in One in Afghanistan
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Obama Scores Hole in One in Afghanistan: "Russian Combat Troops in Afghanistan Russian Troops on Parade in Afghanistan Is it possible that Barak Obama is giving up being a..."
Obama Scores Hole in One in Afghanistan

Is it possible that Barak Obama is giving up being a negro and is becoming a real Black American? Obama has made a brilliant tactical and strategic move by pulling American troops out of Afghanistan and at the same time inviting in Russian peacekeeping troops from the Russian Republican. Senator John Boehner. "Obama is making a brilliant move by pulling troops out of Afghanistan and inviting Russian in as peacekeepers. Afghanistan has always been in the Russian sphere of influence and it makes sense that now that Russia is a Constitutional Demcracy no longer communist, that the Russians take control in Afghanistan and restore the peace by putting down the Al Queda moslem insurgency there." Senator Ted Kennedy. "After the Al Queda moslem terrorists from Chechia and Afghanistan killed all of those innocent children at the Balshoi ballet in Moscow, it is easy to see that the Russians must redeem their honor by returning to Afghanistan and making sure Justice is done."
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Health Care Bill is a Fraud
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Health Care Bill is a Fraud: "The Obama 'Affordable Health Care Bill' is a fraud. Obama is attempting to rule by decree like a dictator. I have thorougly researched the C..."
The Obama Health Care Bill is a Fraud
The Obama "Affordable Health Care Bill" is a fraud. Obama is attempting to rule by decree like a dictator. I have thorougly researched the Congressional Record Online and the United States Statutes at Large, and neither have any reference to the Obama Health Care Bill at all. In other words, no evidence in the Congressional Record that the Obama Health Care Bill was ever introduced, was ever discussed on the Floor of the House of Representatives or the Senate. Moreover, to be a valid Law, any Congressional Bill signed by the President must be published in the United States Statutes at Large and then the United States Code Service, and, neither source contains the Obama Health Care Bill. Finally, the Obama Health Care Bill is unconstitutional in that more benefits are given to blacks, regardless of income, and benefits are unreasonably taken away from poor and disabled whites.
Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd., Coif
Member, United States Supreme Court Bar
Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd., Coif
Member, United States Supreme Court Bar
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Enforcing the National Security Act of 1947
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Enforcing the National Security Act of 1947: "The United States of America holds of Pennsylvania Colony and the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 which requires that all law and government ac..."
Enforcing the National Security Act of 1947
The United States of America holds of Pennsylvania Colony and the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 which requires that all law and government actions must be in accordance with reason in order to be valid under natural law. International Law, following Grotius, the founder of International Law, states that every person, without exception, has an natural right or individual right of liberty and property which cannot be infringed upon unreasonably by anyone, not even God Himself. Liberty is that range of speech, action, association, artististic expression, self-actualization, and writing, which falls within the Rule of Reason, that is, that which is not unreasonable. Reason is a composite of love, logic, and intuition. Logic is defined as that which is not illogical. That which illogical is that which involves a logical contradiction, such as asserting that A and not A can exist at the same time in the same place. Thus, it is a logical contradiction to assert that you have an (A)pple at and in the same time in the same place, such as, in your left hand. Once the State has come into existence, the positivist argument is that you cannot oppose the state. But, what if the State its leadership is acting and speaking unreasonably, incompetently, illogically, treasonously, or corruptly. As John Rawls tells us, once the State has moved from being a Just or Near Just society, and has become an Unjust Society, the People revert to natural law, that is, Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, and rebel against the unjust governement. This is also authorized under International Law, following Grotius. While the State, following Kelsen, has a right to survive, and thus use the notion of National Security to stay in power, in fact, natural law also tells us that an unjust state or leader has no right to stay in power when natural law and the natural right of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are being violated. The National Security Act, enforcing Sheriff's Law, then, provides that a person, even the President of the United States can be criminally prosectuted for Treason, Treason on the Assizes, and for Criminal Nuisance and Criminal Nuisance of the Assizes for violating Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic. For example, let us assume that there is a foreign spy who is in America, killing and torturing Americans. Once such a person has been apprehended, an Inquistional Court is seated, as a Bench Trial for violating the National Security Act, that is the Law of Logic. Once the defendant admit that he or she or hae has been killing and torturing Americans, the Judge then asks the Defendant if he would like that to happen to him. If the defendant says yes, then that criminal sentence is carried out. If the defendant says no, then that defendant is criminally prosecuted under the National Security Act of 1947 for violating Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, for committing the fallacy of shifting ground and the fallacy of hypocrisy. Life in Apartment Internment is the standard sentence for a defendant committing the crime of Criminal Nuisance and sophistry, while the Death Penalty is the standard sentence for Treason and sophistry. This is consitent with Professor Robert Lipkin's notion of Constitutional Treason.
(C)Perpetual Copyright and (P) Patent by Anthony J. Fejfar, Neothomism, P.C. (PA) and the American People, as a Public Domain Copyright and Patent.
(C)Perpetual Copyright and (P) Patent by Anthony J. Fejfar, Neothomism, P.C. (PA) and the American People, as a Public Domain Copyright and Patent.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Grounding Individual Rights in Logical Positivist ...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Grounding Individual Rights in Logical Positivist ...: "The above Article proves that Individual Rights can be Grounded in Logical Positivist Foundationalism. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011..."
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The word phrase "mentally ill" is not legally vali...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The word phrase "mentally ill" is not legally vali...: "The word phrase, 'mentally ill,' is not linguistically or legally valid. In fact, the word phrase, 'mentally ill,' is a reified concept, and..."
The word phrase "mentally ill" is not legally valid
The word phrase, "mentally ill," is not linguistically or legally valid. In fact, the word phrase, "mentally ill," is a reified concept, and thus invalid. Moreover, both Webster's Dictionary and the Oxford Dictionary do not list "mentally ill" as a valid word phrase. Thus, the word phrase "mentally ill" should never be used as a label for any person. In other words, there are not persons who are "mentally ill," and thus no person should ever be called mentally ill.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Robert Strauss of the Democratic National Committe...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Robert Strauss of the Democratic National Committe...: "Robert Strauss, the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and a Senior Partnet in the Akin Gump law firm, now appears to have..."
Robert Strauss of the Democratic National Committee was WII Nazi
Robert Strauss, the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and a Senior Partnet in the Akin Gump law firm, now appears to have been a early member of the Dutch Afrikaaner Nazi Party and then a nazi gaultieter in the German Nazi Party during the WII era. Robert Strauss worked with Han Dietrich (now Bill Dittrick of Omaha, Nebraska) to kidnap and then use torture to force French Catholics to say they were "jews" and put these Catholics "jews" in death camps in Germany, even before the war. Strauss himself is a jew-moslem, athiest materialist satanist. After WWII, Strauss made his way to South Africa and then to Austin, Texas, where he spyed on America for nazi communist East Germany. In his bio, Robert Strauss claims to have been grown up in Lockhart, Texas, just south of Austin. But the locals at Black's Barbque in Lockhart say that Bob Strauss definitely did not grow up in Lockhart. A local Catholic Priest also says that Bob Strauss absolutely did not grow up in Lockart, Texas. Strauss is now living in a palacious house in South Africa, and is a nazi advisor to Nelson Mandela, head of the South African government. Apparently, the mixed blood, Bob Strauss is responsible for letting South African niggers into the Dutch Afrikaaner Nazi Party.
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar, Anthony J. Faber, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA).
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar, Anthony J. Faber, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA).
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Trump says Obama is Ilegal President
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Trump says Obama is Ilegal President: "After eating Watermelon for lunch, the Negro President, Barak Obama's Daughter makes Putt Putt Hole in One. Is Barak Obama a god on th..."
Trump says Obama is Ilegal President

Barak Obama's Daughter makes Putt Putt Hole in One.

Donald Trump lashed out a the negro president Barak Obama for being an illegal president. Trump said that Obama needed to come clean on his Haitian birth. Moreover, there are real concerns about Obama's cherokee and white birth parents. Jesse Jackson, "I have real concerns that Barak Obama is really not honestly representing his black constituency as a creol native american president." Of course, the real problem is that aliens such as Barak Obama cannot be president of the United States because the citizenship requirement has not been met. Given this situation, one wonder's if Joe Biden is an alien from Russia. Meg Ryan, "I really think that Joe Biden should have stuck with selling used cars like his father." Catherine Zeta-Jones, "Most people think that any giantism charge made against Obama is unfair." Michael Douglas, "I really think that Obama should be putting more money into testicular cancer research rather than just breast cancer research." Thomas Magnum, "There are real concerns that actors such as Tom Selleck are literally in bed with the allegedly gay president Barak Obama, and, one wonders what effect this will have on homosexual AIDS research." Donald Trump, "I hope that Barak Obama is able to maintain his illegal income from illicit heroin sales. I would hate to see his "rich nigger" lifestyle drop into poverty, or even worse, middle class mediocrity." Arnold Palmer, "I hope that Barak Obama can maintain his below par handicap in putt putt golf. It would look bad for America if his "daughter" keeps making holes in one, leaving Barak trailing behind."
The Foregoing Blog Article is an Allegorical Article. (C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Shady Donald Trump Seems to be running for Pre...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Shady Donald Trump Seems to be running for Pre...: "Donald Trump without is Tupe Shady Casino owner Donald Trump seems to be placing a bid for president of the United States. 'Of course, th..."
The Shady Donald Trump Seems to be running for President

Shady Casino owner Donald Trump seems to be placing a bid for president of the United States. "Of course, the real trouble with Donald Trump and his immoral gambling operation in Atlantic City, New Jersey, is that Trump employees are unethically accusing experienced gamblers of "countng cards" every time they win. Naturally enough, we all know that the "counting cards" label is just the way a shady casino gets rid of any gamblers who actally beat the odds and win. A closer look at Trump's Blackjack rules also is merited. Of course, it goes without saying that Trump's Roulette wheels have to be regularly inspected for electric-magnetic rigging of the wheel and roulette ball, and it is unclear if they are. Additionally, we all know the Pharoah is a rigged game. We also want to know what happened to Trump's last "fashion model" wife. Has she been killed when she has become inconvenient to Trump? Why don't they appear in public on a regular basis? One hope that his "wife" was just another homosexual crossdresser. It may be that a thorough investigation of Trumps alleged psychiatric history will be necessary. Finally, it is doubtful that Trump knows anything about law, the politcal process, and public policy. I doubt that he is even a very good gambler. Trump's alleged use of off-shore banks also needs to investigated.
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Anthony J. Faber
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Anthony J. Faber
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Lawyer Mental Competency
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Lawyer Mental Competency: "A Legal Opinion by Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Phd., Esq., Coif It is possible that some unethical lawyers might try to disqualify anot..."
Lawyer Mental Competency

A Legal Opinion by Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Phd., Esq., Coif
It is possible that some unethical lawyers might try to disqualify another attorney on the other side of the case by asserting that the opposing lawyer is judicial incompetent to practice law due to mental incompetency for such reasons as believeing in Natural Law, or God, or Christmas, etc. Such chicanery cannot be allowed. Once the lawyer has made an appearance in the case, he only required to not violate the law and not violate the legal ethics rules. The issue of the lawyer's alleged mental incompetency is judged under fire in the legal representation or courtroom itself. This also avoids trumped up false charges of mental incompetency by an apposing attorney in every case. The real test for a lawyer is whether or not he can practice law with committing malpractice on a regular basis, and, this is the only valid test. And, if a moot type test is every used to judge competency to practice law, the legal problem or vignette which is used must be one which the average lawyer could pass, not some super complicated, tricky, problem, and all those involved must know it is a problem exercise, and they must be well paid. The lawyer being tested has the right to require any lawyers insisting on the moot test to take the same or a similar moot court test. Once a lawyer has made an appearance in a legal matter for a client, the lawyer is conclusively presumed to be judicially competent to practice law. This is my Legal Opinion as a Member of the United States Supreme Court Bar and Order of the Coif. Signed, Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Phd., Esq., Coif
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Budget Impasse is Faked
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Budget Impasse is Faked: "The Communist Negro Haitain President Barak Obama The Communist Kremlin, Barak Obama's Favorite Vacation Spot Recently, the Internet New..."
The Obama Budget Impasse is Faked

Recently, the Internet News reported that President Barak Obama and Ohio Senator John Boehner are arguing over the Federal Budget, implying that the federal government might ground to a halt over the budget impasse. In fact, the communist twins Boehner and Obama are once again shoveling disinformation bullshit in our direction. You see, the budget negotiation process starts in January of 2011 for the next fiscal year of 2012. It is perfectly normal that next year's budget is in issue and is being worked on and negotiated at this time of year. In fact, it is unusual for budget agreement at this point in the year. Usually, broad parameters of the federal budget are worked on in the Spring. Then, Congress goes on Summer Recess and comes back in September. In September the work begins in earnest and usually the budget is hammered out by the end of October, that is, approximately 5 months from now. The current budget was passed and signed last year and is not in issue. And, once again a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit is peanuts. All they have to do is cut one B-1 Bomber from the budget, out of 50 or so, and the budget is balanced. If Boehner would pay more attention to his Senate duties than his homosexual mistresses, then he might actually accomplish something. If Obama would admit that he is the son of Haitain Dictator Papa Doc Duvalier, and quit spending time with his homosexual mistresses in Haiti where his big Mansions are, then maybe he would do better. Boehner and Obama are Communist KGB buddies who are out to destroy America. Don't be fooled by their bullshit.
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Building Code Noise Standards for Apartments
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Building Code Noise Standards for Apartments: "The Law tells us that any tenant in an apartment complex has a legal right to make reasonable noise. If there is a problem with noise in an ..."
Building Code Noise Standards for Apartments
The Law tells us that any tenant in an apartment complex has a legal right to make reasonable noise. If there is a problem with noise in an apartment complex, it is almost always the landlord's fault. The landlord is required by Code and by the Implied Warranty of Habitability to build an apartment which is noise proof, between apartments, up to 120 decibals. For older apartment buildings it is possible to put in sound proofing at a later date. Thus, for a landlord to hassle or even attempt to evict a tenant for "excessive noise," the landlord must prove that the noise coming through the apartment walls or ceiling, or floors is above 120 decibals. Unfortunately, many substandard apartment buildings only have soundproofing at a decibal rating of 10 decibals, which is clearly a Building Code violation. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Faber, and Anthony J. Fejfar, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Property and Law
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Property and Law: "This seems to be a typical Property Law Classroom. Some scholars are asserting, wrongly, that property is a 'reified' concept, and therefo..."
Property and Law

Some scholars are asserting, wrongly, that property is a "reified" concept, and therefore invalid. They define "reificiation" as treating an abstract concept as if it is real or concrete, when it is not. Given this definition, it is absolutely clear that property is not a reified concept. In fact, the concrete defintion of property is that an item of property is a thing for me. Moreover, property is also defined as my having control over thing, such that I can say that the thing is in my possession. Once I say that the thing is mine, it is then my property. The idea is that I have the right and the power to prevent others from taking my property, such as the shirt on my back, away from me. Moreover, once I assert that my shirt which is in my closet, when I am out and about, is still my shirt, then property begins to be a meaning or legal concept, starting with the idea of constructive possession of property. Thus, I can assert that the shirt is in my constructive possession, even though it is my closer miles away. Additionally, I can also say that my house is in my constructive possession, even thought I am miles away. Thus, I can begin to say that the property, which is my shirt, is in fact a legal relationship, between persons, and the state, with respect to some thing, tangible or intangible, such as my shirt or patent or copyright. Thus, we can see that, in fact, property is grounded in sense experience and logic, and thus is not reified, and in fact is epistemologically valid. Once we have established that property is valid, we can then see that contracts are valid. You see, if two people possess tangible personal property, such as their extra shirts, they can they trade them with each other in a barter contract. Of course, later on, I will be able to sell my shirt for money, in a contract, as such, and, in any event, we can see that the idea of a contract is epistemologically valid as grounded in concrete property. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar, and Anthony J. Faber, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA).
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Osama bin Laden is a Dutch Africaaner Neonazi
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Osama bin Laden is a Dutch Africaaner Neonazi: "Osama bin Laden is not really an arab moslem terrorist, but instead is a Dutch Moslem Africaaner Neonazi. Al Queda is really a neonazi..."
Osama bin Laden is a Dutch Africaaner Neonazi

Osama bin Laden is not really an arab moslem terrorist, but instead is a Dutch Moslem Africaaner Neonazi. Al Queda is really a neonazi Dutch Moslem Africaaner movement. Additionally, the name Laden, means shopkeeper in Dutch. Interestingly, Osama bin Laden's face strongly resembles that of Omaha, neonazi attorney, Bill Dittrick, of the Baird, Holm law firm. The Baird Holm law firm, and the Akin Gump law firm are controlled by Dutch Moslem neonazi Africaaners. It now appears that a large percentage of the Nebraska population is in Dutch Africaaner and involved with the Nebraska Nazi Party and the South African Nazi Party. Several Baird Holm attorneys have spacious vacation homes in South Africa, and are not even United States citizens, and are illegal aliens, not even possessing work visa green cards. Even worse, the Nebraska Nazi Party also is running several voodoo satantic cults in Nebraska, and are involved in the sacrificial murder of Nebraskans who are not in the satanic cult. Other interesting persons with apparent ties to South Africa, include Tom Shaffer, Michael Perry, Dan Kerrigan, Don Wesley, Lawrence Altakker, Dean DeBoer, Karen DeBoer, Robert Voth, Bud Cuca, Bruce and Brian Keller, Jill Gradwhol, Rick Lange, Bob Shively, George VanCleve, Jim Boaks, Laddie Stluka, Bob Haymann, among others. All these neonazi persons have been Named by the National Security Agency. It is clear that the Nebraska Legislature and the Nebraska State Bar Association are dominated by the Nebraska Nazi Party. One hope that the National Security Agency and U.S. Marshall's from Chicago will move into Nebraska and destroy these neonazi pigs. Up the Republic, down with fascist Tyranny!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Free Swaziland
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Free Swaziland: "The corrupt country of Swaziland must be freed from fascist tyranny. The figurehead in Swaziland is a puppet King, with the country real..."
Free Swaziland

The corrupt country of Swaziland must be freed from fascist tyranny. The figurehead in Swaziland is a puppet King, with the country really being run by the East German Nazi-Communist Party and the Dutch Africaaner Nazi Party out of Nebraska, USA, and South Africa. The real power behing the throne in Swaziland is Soviet Russian-Latvian strongman dictator, Yuri Galganin, who uses the name of attorney, James Jordan, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States. Other key figures in the fascist Swaziland dictatorship are George VanCleve, Ed Rindell, Tom Ridge, and others. Many of theses so called whites in Swaziland are really black satanists who use pectin to maintain a white skin color. Of course, the power elite in Swaziland is the Swazi Secret Police force. One would think that Swaziland would be a conistiutional monarchy rather than a puppet dictatorship. The United Nations must hold hearings on the issue of freeing Swaziland from tyranny. The current regime does not care at all about the people, but instead is raping Swaziland of it natural resources, such as diamonds and other precious minerals such as managese. Of course, the real question is how deep the East German Nazi Party, the Dutch Afrikaaner Nazi Party, and the Russian Nazi Party have their tenacles into Swaziland.
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Deinstitutilisation of Law
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Deinstitutilisation of Law: "We can now say that, Duncan Kennedy and Critical Legal Studies, have, for quite some time now, led the charge in asserting that the legisla..."
The Deinstitutilisation of Law

We can now say that, Duncan Kennedy and Critical Legal Studies, have, for quite some time now, led the charge in asserting that the legislature and the judicial system are engaging in hegemonic, corrupt, and even incompetent legal practices. Thus, given the current state of the judiciary with many judges being elected and serving as judges without having even been to law school, it is now the time to begin discussing the "Deinstitutionalisation of Law." Thus, there is now a movement to return to Sheriff's Law, also known as the Law of Logic, where ordinary persons, who have a background in logic, are able to attack the incompetent, corrupt prosecutor and judiciary, with the charge, under Sheriff's Law of Criminal Nuisance on the Assizes, and Treason on the Assizes. The days when a corrupt judge and prosecutor can simply throw a human being into prison, for life, without a trial are over. Up the Republic of America, Down with Tyranny.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The National Security Act of 1947 and Sheriff's La...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The National Security Act of 1947 and Sheriff's La...: "The National Security Act of 1947, which reaffirmed the National Security Act of 1933, provides that as a matter of Natural Law, and Natio..."
The National Security Act of 1947 and Sheriff's Law , the Law of Logic

The National Security Act of 1947, which reaffirmed the National Security Act of 1933, provides that as a matter of Natural Law, and National Security, that the National Security Council and the National Security Agency, have the power to enforce Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, as a matter of Natural Law and National Security. The National Security Act provides that a person or existant, can be charged with the crimes of Treason on the Assizes and Criminal Nuisance on the Assizes for violating Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, which prohibits and criminalizes sophistry in the form of Sophistic Arguments and Positions, which involve Logical Fallacies, such as: The Fallacy of Hypocrisy, The Fallacy of Shifting Ground, Attempting to prove the Antecedent from the Consequent, The Fallacy of asserting a Logical Contradiction, The Fallacy of an Appeal to an Authority, as such, The Fallacy of Appealing to Group Conventional Standards, The Fallacy of Appealing to a Mob, etc. Obviously, it benefits a person greatly to have at least 2 Logic Courses, one in Informal Logic and the other in Symbolic Logic in order to appropriately understand and utilize and defend oneself using the National Security Act and Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic.
In order to have an Occult Effect, the above National Security Act Document was soaked in grain alcohol, which was blessed by a Cardinal Archbishop, and was then burnt.
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber, and Anthony Fejfar,
and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Declaration of Independence and Sheriff's Law
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Declaration of Independence and Sheriff's Law: "For me, Anthony J. Fejfar, rock bottom law for me is: First, The Declaration of Independence and the Natural Rights of Life, Liberty, and th..."
The Declaration of Independence and Sheriff's Law
For me, Anthony J. Fejfar, rock bottom law for me is: First, The Declaration of Independence and the Natural Rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, based on Natural Law, and as guaranteed by God our Creator. Second, Natural Law, which provides that every person, or existant, public or private, is required to act reasonably when another person or existant's liberty is involved, such that any such other person is not unreasonably harmed. Third, Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, provides that no person or existant is permitted to act illogically, with the result that the life, liberty, puresuit of happiness, contract, or property of anther person or existant is harmed. That which is illogical or sophistry, is that which involves a logical contradiction, such as, attempting to assert, wrongly, that you can have A and not A, in and at the same time and the same place. (C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 (CE), by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Rich Republican Niggers in Congress are Traitors
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Rich Republican Niggers in Congress are Traitors: "There is a new story on the Internet News, that rich, millionaire, Republican niggers are trying to illegally cut disability and old age S..."
Rich Republican Niggers in Congress are Traitors

There is a new story on the Internet News, that rich, millionaire, Republican niggers are trying to illegally cut disability and old age Social Security Benefits. The Republican niggers are wrong for at least three reasons. First, the Social Security Funds can be partially funded with Federal Reserve Economic Development money, off budget, without the use of Tax Money, therefore, there is no budget spending problem. Second, Social Security Benefits, by Law, are fully vested benefits which cannot be legally lowered. Third, there is no rational reason to cut Social Security benefits other than nigger, voodoo, satanism. Obama seems to be literally in bed with these rich, satanic, nigger Senators in Congress. These niggers must be prevented from destroying America. At this point, it seems that Obama might as well be wearing a voodoo mask when he appears in the press. Additionally, it now appears that "Senator" Alan West who is the "nigger" who is trying to cripple the Social Security Fund, is really an illegal alien from Haiti, and is an illegal United States Senator who is not even a United States Citizen.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law: "The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law provides that any Professor who has received Tenure holds of those Professors who voted for him or her for..."
The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law
The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law provides that any Professor who has received Tenure holds of those Professors who voted for him or her for Tenure, and thus, it is illegal and invalid for the junior professor to vote to detenure the more senior professor who voted for the tenure of the junior professor. For example, if Professor John Jones on the Tenured Faculty, voted for the Tenure of tenure cantidate, Sally Smith, then Professor Sally Smith is probibited by law from voted or acting in any way to detenure Professor John Jones, whom Sally Smith holds of. Additionally, once the tenured faculty who voted for the tenure of Professor John Jones is reduced by retirement or otherwise to a number less than 75% of the original voting tenured faculty, then the tenured faculty who, as a group, voted for the tenure of Professor John Jones, do not have the power to detenure Professor John Jones, either. Aditionally, a Professor cannot be detenured for a disability as long as he or she is meeting the requirement of the tenure guidelines under which he or she was tenured, that is, practically competent, teaching, scholarship, and service. Additionally, any meeting of a Faculty or Tenure Committee or Tenured Faculty, is bound by Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, as typically represented by the use of Roberts Rules of Order.
(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Property is Real or at Least Relatively Real
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Property is Real or at Least Relatively Real: "The materialist definition of Property is that Property is a physical thing like a house or a bicycle. Thus, we start with sense experienc..."
Property is Real or at Least Relatively Real
The materialist definition of Property is that Property is a physical thing like a house or a bicycle. Thus, we start with sense experience and then see that any physical, tangible object that I possess, where this can be verified by sense experience, that is, by positivism, is considered real property. Possession is based on the person having a certain amount of control over the tangible thing, such that the person has at least some ability to exclude others from taking the physical, tangible, from his or her possession. Thus, following Blackstone, Magna Charta, Grotius, and John Locke, a person has a right to use reasonable force to exclude others from trying to steal his property, that is, a person has a natural right to prevent others from wrongfully taking possession of the property that the first person has in his or her possession. Now, after awhile, the idea of constructive possession of property came about. Constructive possession of property is where a legal fiction is used to assert that a person possesses property even though the person is out of town, for example. So, if Joe travels to the village 5 miles away, Joe still has constructive possession of his house and his property therein, even though he is not physically present to defend his property as home. Additionally, once property right began to be recognized, people banded together to protect each other's property and property rights, and thus a legal system was formed. Thus, Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, prohibited Sopistry, and began to protect property rights, that is, the person's right to possession of some tangible, physical objects. At this point, we can see that "property" in a sense was no longer just the physical thing in itself, but instead became an intangible legal right. Thus, the Restatement of Property defines Property as "A legal relationship between persons with respect to some thing, tangible or intangible." Thus, property is is both physical and intangible, and the idea of intellectual property which is largely intangible was born. Thus, we can say that property is real, or at least relatively real, and therefore property is not a reified concept. Property starts with the concrete or physical and then moves to intangible aspects. Moreover, we can see that reification is itself an incoherent concept since reification is itself a reified concept. Additionally form property law we can reason to contract law, and then to other forms of law, using logical positivism.
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Secretary of Defense Gates is Coward on Al Queda L...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Secretary of Defense Gates is Coward on Al Queda L...: "Terrorist Training in Libya Secretary of Defense Gates is a coward on Libya. It is common knowledge that Libya's Kaddafy is the real leade..."
Secretary of Defense Gates is Coward on Al Queda Libya

Secretary of Defense Gates is a coward on Libya. It is common knowledge that Libya's Kaddafy is the real leader of International Terrorism. The United States should fly remote controlled drone fighter bombers out of Iraq into Libya to help bring down the Kaddafy terorist regime. There are more terrorist training camps in Libya than any place else in the world.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Aggrevated Assault Statute is Unconstitutional and...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Aggrevated Assault Statute is Unconstitutional and...: "Some states in America have a criminal aggrevated assault statute on the books. This statute purports to provide that if a person in any w..."
Aggrevated Assault Statute is Unconstitutional and Illegal
Some states in America have a criminal aggrevated assault statute on the books. This statute purports to provide that if a person in any way seems to non-physically threaten a police officer, then that person can be illegally prosecuted and sentenced for an indeterminate jail sentence varying from several days to who knows what. Althought the foregoing aggrevated assault statute is clearly unconstitutional as violating the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681, the Pennsylvania Constitution, the United States Constitution, Magna Charta 1215, and Grotius on Natural Law, the statute as interpreted in some states is even worse. Some corrupt police officers and prosecutors are apparently arguing that if a person has a pocket knife, or a pistol, or rifle in their possession within 10 feet of a police officer or a game warden, then that person can be prosecuted for aggrevated assault. For example, let us say that a person was out camping with a pocket knife, or, hunting or target shooting on state game lands, and a game warden walked up to you, within 10 feet, then you could be criminally prosecuted for aggrevated assault and sentenced illegally to life in prison. The foregoing interpretation of aggrevated assault defies logic and common sense, and is clearly a violating of Section 1983, Section 242, Sheriff's Law, and the United States Constitution.
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The United States Government holds of The Episcopa...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The United States Government holds of The Episcopa...: "The United States Government holds of the Pennyslvania Charter of 1681, the Declaration of Independence, and the Episcopalian House of Stuar..."
The United States Government holds of The Episcopalian Catholic House of Stuart
The United States Government holds of the Pennyslvania Charter of 1681, the Declaration of Independence, and the Episcopalian House of Stuart. The American Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution of 1781 and the American Constitution of 1789, all were drafted and inititally approved in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Law in force in Pennsylvania at that time was the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 and Magna Charta 1215, which states that all law to be valid must be in accordance with reason, that is, all laws and governmental actions to be legally valid must be reasonable. Additionally, all laws and governemnental actions, to be valid must be in accordance with The Law of the Land, that is, Sheriff's Law, also known as the Law of Logic. Also, the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 also states that for any laws to be valid in Pennsylvania, they must not substantially diverge from the English Common Law as of the year 1681. Additionally, the Pensylvania Charter of 1681 states that all public officials, to be considered a legally valid authority, must be Christian, that is, Episcopalian Catholic, that is, Anglican Catholic, House of Stuart, as Freeman or Freeman Nobles, or Royals or Imperials. Thus, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States of American holds of King Charles II, House of Stuart and as King Louis XIV of France, Immortal, House of Stuart, Saint Louis, purgatory saint.
Imprimautor by Coif, by Anthony J. Fitzgerald, Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Imprimautor by Coif, by Anthony J. Fitzgerald, Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Is Homeland Security Czar Tom Ridge really a Chech...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Is Homeland Security Czar Tom Ridge really a Chech...: "Tom Ridge is Barak Obama's Homeland Security Boy The Negro president Barka Obama It now appears that Homeland Security Czar, Tom Ridge is..."
Is Homeland Security Czar Tom Ridge really a Chechnian Moslem KGB Spy?

It now appears that Homeland Security Czar, Tom Ridge is a Chechnian moslem KGB Spy. Informed sources in the National Security Agency indicate that the real Tom Ridge was taken prisoner in Vietnam and was replaced with the current Tom Ridge KGB look alike. Tom Ridge is a hard core moslem al queda extremist who has dedicated himself to killing Chrisitans in America on the way to attemping to destroy America with illegal, Homeland Security Gestapo tactics. Tom Ridge regularly "vacations" in the moslem province of Chechnia in Soviet Russia. Tom Ridge is responsbile for strip searches of ordinary Americans at Airports and Train Stations. In fact, Ridge has ordered his Homeland Security thugs to do body cavity searches on women by having his dike and vicious male Homeland Security storm troopers sticking their fingers up women's vaginas in public in Airports and Train Stations. Moreover, as Govenor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge single handedly managed to destroy the Pennsylvania economy with irrational business regulations. Under the Tom Ridge admininstration in Pennsylvania Ridge unconstitutionally implemented the Corporate Asset Tax which results in triple taxation on Pennsylvania corporations. The reports that Tom Ridge is a homosexual child abuser are unconfirmed at this point. Of course, once again, Tom Ridge is really one of those moslem satanic nazi's from South Africa with nigger blood. Thus, Tom Ridge just drips with hypocrisy and is a clear, and blatant violator of Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic. Clearly, Tom Ridge cannot be president of the United States. A vote for Tom Ridge is treason. Finally, just to make sure, it must be noted that Tom Ridge illegally holds corporate stock in both Verizon and Frontier-Alltell. One of Tom Ridge's sexual wives holds Tom Ridge's corporate Verizon and Frontier-Alltell stock in their home-palace in Chechnia. It also appear that Ridge was instrumental in illegally deploying American combat troops in Chechia to fight against the Russian Republic. Additionally, like his boyfriend Newt Gingrich, it appears that Tom Ridge is currently in jail for felonius criminal violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act regarding the illegal Frontier Alltell merger and the illegal Verizon Frontier merger.
(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Fraudulent Yahoo News Internet Story regarding Yea...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Fraudulent Yahoo News Internet Story regarding Yea...: "A story has just been posted on Yahoo News which quotes a United Nation's source for the proposition that an alleged increase in the Earth's..."
Fraudulent Yahoo News Internet Story regarding Year 2050 Earth Population
A story has just been posted on Yahoo News which quotes a United Nation's source for the proposition that an alleged increase in the Earth's population and a scarcity of resources such as food and energy will render the planet Earth basically unihabitable by the year 2050. This is pure bullshit. All the recent studies have shown that the population of countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia, is decreasing. In fact, this has always been true. The United States can only keep a constant population by allowing or even encouraging immigration from other, less developed countries. The midwest United States, including such states as Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota, are already beginning to depopulate. If there is a population problem with natural resources scarcity such as food, this is only taking place in China, India, and perhaps some parts of Africa. Yet, the Chinese report that even they have achieved zero population growth, and this was over 10 years ago. In fact, a number of European countries are paying couples to have children in order to avoid depopulation. Moreover, there is a huge food surplus, world wide. And, it would be easy to do urban redevelopment in blighted areas of American cities such as Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and so on, in order to limit surburban sprawl and keep arable farm land in production. The Yahoo News story is obviously some sort of disinformation strategy of Opus De or some other satanic political organization. It appears that the Yahoo News fraudulent story may have been written by Mike King, in Portland, Oregon.
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Ghengis Kahn was a War Criminal
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Ghengis Kahn was a War Criminal: "Around the year 1200, the moslem war criminal, Ghengis Kahn formed an army in mongolia and then proceeded to conquer korea, russian asia, ru..."
Ghengis Kahn was a War Criminal
Around the year 1200, the moslem war criminal, Ghengis Kahn formed an army in mongolia and then proceeded to conquer korea, russian asia, russia, poland, ukraine, czechoslovakia, yugoslavia, turkey, and then the middle east. Ghengis Kahn was a satanic moslem who considered Allah to be satan, and the prophet mohammed to be a demon. Ghengis Kahn murdered over 40 million people during the course of his military abominations. There is concern that Khengis Kahn and his followers have reincarnated and are trying to repeat the world wide genocide that they perpetrated before. The moonies and falun gong appear to be nazi, satanic, asian moslems. It appears that the moslems in chechnia and bosnia are the descendents of Ghengis Kahn's murderous army. Opus Dei also seems to be affilliated with falun gong and the nazi party.
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Model Internet Fraud Prevention Act
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Model Internet Fraud Prevention Act: "Each State, and the United States, and the United Nations needs to enact the Model Internet Fraud Prevention Act, as provided below: Text: ..."
The Model Internet Fraud Prevention Act
Each State, and the United States, and the United Nations needs to enact the Model Internet Fraud Prevention Act, as provided below:
The act, use, or employment of any person or organization or business, of
an unconscionable commercial practice, deception, fraud, false pretenses,
false promises, fraud, fraudulent concealment, sale of a product which is not
fit for the purposes advertised, sale of a product which is not merchantable,
in connection with the sale of a consumer or commercial product on the Internet,
constitutes a civil action for damages, or treble damages by the
Internet product Buyer against the selling person or organization or business, and
or, any related person, business, or organization involved is a substantial way with
the sale. An "internet product," is a good for sale as advertised or offered for sale
on the Internet, and then purchased by a buyer using the Internet. The plaintiff buyer's attorney shall also be entitled to a reasonable attorney's fee from the defendant internet seller, where the plaintiff buyer is a prevailing party under litigation under this statute. A "good" for purposes of this Act is a tangible, physical, object for sale which has some operative function.
(C)Perpetual Copyright by Anthony Faber and Neotomism, P.C. (PA)
The act, use, or employment of any person or organization or business, of
an unconscionable commercial practice, deception, fraud, false pretenses,
false promises, fraud, fraudulent concealment, sale of a product which is not
fit for the purposes advertised, sale of a product which is not merchantable,
in connection with the sale of a consumer or commercial product on the Internet,
constitutes a civil action for damages, or treble damages by the
Internet product Buyer against the selling person or organization or business, and
or, any related person, business, or organization involved is a substantial way with
the sale. An "internet product," is a good for sale as advertised or offered for sale
on the Internet, and then purchased by a buyer using the Internet. The plaintiff buyer's attorney shall also be entitled to a reasonable attorney's fee from the defendant internet seller, where the plaintiff buyer is a prevailing party under litigation under this statute. A "good" for purposes of this Act is a tangible, physical, object for sale which has some operative function.
(C)Perpetual Copyright by Anthony Faber and Neotomism, P.C. (PA)
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Federal Territory of Pennsylvania and the Arti...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Federal Territory of Pennsylvania and the Arti...: "In the case of an insurrection or coup attempt in Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania and the other original 13 Colonies automatically reverts..."
The Federal Territory of Pennsylvania and the Articles of Confederation

In the case of an insurrection or coup attempt in Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania and the other original 13 Colonies automatically reverts to the Articles of Confederation, and to Federal Territories, with a government analogous to the Federal Territory of Nebraska, circa 1878. Since Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama are really moslem Soviet/Cuban spies, Pennsylvania has reverted to the Federal Territory of Pennsylvania under the Articles of Confederation of 1781. Additonally, the American Federal Government holds of the Pennsylvania Charter 0f 1681, since the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were drafted and signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Thus, where Constitutional law as found in the Pennsylvania Constitution of the American Constitution is being ignored, Pennsylvania reverts to the Federal Territory of Pennsylvania, as bound by the Law of Reason and the English Common Law of 1681, House of Stuart, Episcopalian Catholic Church, as required by the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681. Thus, Law in Pennsylvania is primarily Sheriff's Law, or the Law of Logic, which requires both individual persons, corporations, and governmental actors to act in accordance with the Law of Logic, that is, they cannot commit the common law crime or civil offense of Sophistry. Sophistry is the act of using a statement, argument, or assertion which involves a logical contradiction. Additionally, any Pennsylvania Citizen can step up as a Militia Captain, and thus as a Pennsyvania Federal Territorial Marshall. Law enforcement in Pennsylvania, then, is primarily done througth Sheriff's Law as enforced by Pennsylvania Federal Territorial Marshalls. In this way, Pennsyvlvania can essentially cede from the Union by reverting to a Federal Territory. Thus, there can be no charge of treason against Pennsylvanians for being Federal Territorial Citizens. In the case of an insurrection or coup attempt in Washington with the Federal Government which is "legitimated" by the United States Constitution of 1789, there really is no other rational choice. Pennsylvania can revert to the Federal Territory of Pennsylvania and the Articles of Confederation by an enacted Resolution by the Pennsylvania Legislature as signed by the Govenor and approved by the Pennsylvania Attorney General.
(C)Perpetual Copyright by Anthony J. Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
(C)Perpetual Copyright by Anthony J. Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Legal Distinction between Erotica and Pornography
Generally, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, as well as the Natural law, Natural Right of Liberty, protects Free Speech and Free Expression. At the same time, however, there is a traditoin that pornography can be regulated or even criminalized as a Public Nuisance affecting Morals, under the Police Powers. The question then arises as to whether the First Amendment and Natural Law protects nude photos of women models, such as those found in Playboy and Penthouse. Here, a distinction is made between Erotica, which is Constitutionally protected, and pornography, which is not. The Constitutional test in this area is whether a reasonable person, who is heterosexual, would find the pictures of nude women to be of "Socially redeeming value," or of "Artistic value." First, it is clear that the availability of photos of nude women such as those found in Playboy and Penthouse act to prevent the spread of illegal prostitution which spreads venereal disease and AIDS has socially redeeming value. Thus, photographs or pictures of nude women which are done in good taste, with artistic value, with beautiful women, are constitutionally protected as Erotica, while photos of ugly women, done in bad taste, such as those often found in Hustler, are banned as illegal pornography. Obviously, nude photos of small children or nudes with animals have no socially redeeming value, and are in poor taste, and thus are illegal pornography. The foregoing also meets the Canon Law standards which reasonably allows for nude sculpture, pictures, and photos which have socialy redeeming or artistic value.
The foregoing is a Legal Opinion given by Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D. Coif,
Member, United States Supreme Court Bar.
(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
The foregoing is a Legal Opinion given by Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D. Coif,
Member, United States Supreme Court Bar.
(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Enforcing Sheriff's Law in a Criminal Proceeding

Misprison of Felony is charged against a public official such as a judge, police officer, prosecutor, or prison warden, when a criminal defendant is conclusively presumed guilty in an inquisitorial fashion such as where a police officer or warden just throws a person into jail without a trial which meets the requirements of a reasonable proceeding based upon substantive and procedural due process. The prisoner-criminal defendant charges the judge or prison warden, for example, with the crime of Misprison of Felony for violating Sheriff's Law, that is, the Law of Logic. You see, when the judge or prison warden essentially finds the person guility qua guilty, or guilty on the basis of some authority of the judge, then, in either instance it is clear that the judge has violated Sheriff's Law by violating the Law of Logic by committing the illegal sophistry of using a tautological argument (guilty because guilty) or an illegal appeal to authority (You are guilty because I say so).
Additionally, Treason on the Assizes is charged against the govenor, or judge, or prosecutor, or police officer, for violating Sheriff's Law in reference to neighboring counties or states as counties for criminally violating Sheriff's Law, that is, the Law of Logic. Violating Sheriff's Law or the Law of Logic is analogous to committing the crime of Constitutional Treason (Lipkin). Under Sheriff's Law, that is, the Law of Logic, a person or governmental official is not allowed to interfere with a person's liberty interest by reason of acts which are based upon sophistry or which are unreasonable.
Additionally, Treason on the Assizes is charged against the govenor, or judge, or prosecutor, or police officer, for violating Sheriff's Law in reference to neighboring counties or states as counties for criminally violating Sheriff's Law, that is, the Law of Logic. Violating Sheriff's Law or the Law of Logic is analogous to committing the crime of Constitutional Treason (Lipkin). Under Sheriff's Law, that is, the Law of Logic, a person or governmental official is not allowed to interfere with a person's liberty interest by reason of acts which are based upon sophistry or which are unreasonable.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Is John Boehner Guilty of Criminal Insider Trading...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Is John Boehner Guilty of Criminal Insider Trading...: "This appears to be the Criminal Congressman John Boehner with his adulterous woman friend Hillary Clinton. It now appears that the traito..."
Is John Boehner Guilty of Criminal Insider Trading?

his adulterous woman friend Hillary Clinton.
It now appears that the traitor Congressman John Boehner is criminally guilty of Insider Trading under the Federal Securities and Exchange Act. The Securities Exchange Act makes it a felonious criminal offense to buy corporate stock with insider information which gives the stock purchaser an advantage in the market which is unfair to the public. It now seems that congressman John Boehner received insider information from Baird, Holm attorney Bill Dittrick about the proposed merger of Verizon Communications with Frontier Communications. Apparently, the nazi gualtlieder, Bill Dittrick, who was representing Frontier Communications in the proposed merger, bought 100,000 shares of both Frontier and Verizon for the congressman, John Boehner. As they say, somebody has to go to jail, and Boehner deserves it. Moreover, confidential sources in the American National Security Agency appear to be investigationg to see if Boehner is really a KGB spy from East Germany or South Africa.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Adulterer Boehner is a Loser Authority on Obam...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Adulterer Boehner is a Loser Authority on Obam...: "Is this a photo of Boehner with Hillary Clinton, one of hi..."
The Adulterer Boehner is a Loser Authority on Obama

one of his Adulterous Women?

This is a photo clearly indicating the Barak Obama is a Cuban Communist
Congressman Boehner is a loser and an inauthentic authority on the negroe, Obama. It has been reported in the News that Boehner has been having extramarital sexual affairs with two different women simultaneously. With all of this sexual involvement, one would think that the pseudo republican Boehner would not have time to defend Obama from charges that Obama is an illegal president because he was born outside of the United States. A Confidential Source in the Hawaii State Patrol states categorically that Obama was not born in Hawaii, and that the first record of Barak Obama was at age 6. Additionally, it is clear that Barak Obama was raised a moslem fundamentalist, since both his parents were moslem. Congressman Boehner, as a republican, is a strange bedfellow of Obama. One would think that the republicans would be out to get rid of Obama, not come to his aid like some communist thinking that there is only one political party in America. Obama is clearly not a United States citizen and clearly has ties to communist Cuba and Haiti, as a moslem, Christian hater. I suppose it may be that Boehner is not really a Christian either, but instead is some sort of Bosnian or South African moslem. One wonders where Boehner was born. Did anybody really go to gradeschool with Boehner in the United States? Finally, as Notre Dame Law Professor Tom Shaffer might say, following the Ethic of Community, Boehner's extramarital affairs smack of insincere immorality the like of which has not been seen since Sodom and Gomorrah.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Moslem Islamic Imam Say Chocolate is Evil
In Malaysia, as elsewhere, Islamic religious leaders are saying that eating Chocolate on Saint Valentine's Day is evil and a serious sin. In fact, Iranian moslem leaders are saying that moslem women who eat chocolate deserve the death penalty and immediate damnation to Hell for committing a mortal sin. A spokesman for Hershey Chocolate is quoted as saying that Islamic leaders are once again promoting illegal Opium drug use in order to decrease Chocolate consumption. Nestle's Chocolate is saying that death warrants are issuing for the moslem clerics from Switzerland for these sick acts in Violation of Sheriff's Law which is applicable as Moslem Law. Of course it is also the case that the very same moslem leaders who are attempting to ban chocolate use have stockpiled their own personal stores of chocolate themselves. The riots in Egypt are apparently an attempt by the pro chocolate faction in moslem Egypt to stop an attempted ban on chocolate consumption. Already they are saying in Moslem Mindanao Island in the Phillipines that possession of a Hershey Chocolate Bar will carry a penalty of death by dismemberment for sincere moslems. It is rumored, however, that certain moderate moslem clerics have ruled that Babe Ruth Chocolate Bars are not banned because the chocolate content is below 25% of the total candy bar weight. In Iran they are also saying that homosexual moslems like Bill Dittrick are also prohibited from consuming copius quantities of chocolate in order to prevent high levels of dopamine in the homosexual brain. When asked to comment, Kirk Blecha, noted midwest litigator, stated that the homosexual chocolate bar problem as the Baird, Holm Law Firm was being addressed by the Firm Executive Committee, immediately after the interior decorating of the Law Firm Lobby has been dealt with once again. Meanwhile, in Rome, they are saying that Catholic women are rebelling against the moslem chocolate ban, saying such a ban violates Canon Law and the Rule of Reason. When asked to comment, Randy Lee, notable legal scholar said that he thought after Derrida and Shermer vs. Verner, the moslem ban on chololate clearly violated substantive due process and constituted Constitutional Treason (See Robert Lipkin on Chocolate). In New York, the Akin Gump Law Firm is asserting that chocolate smuggling is clearly protected by GATT. It now appears that Han Solo was actually smuggling chocolate on the Kessel Run in the Mellenium Falcon, when he and Chewbacca did the Kessel Run in under two parsecs.
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