The corrupt country of Swaziland must be freed from fascist tyranny. The figurehead in Swaziland is a puppet King, with the country really being run by the East German Nazi-Communist Party and the Dutch Africaaner Nazi Party out of Nebraska, USA, and South Africa. The real power behing the throne in Swaziland is Soviet Russian-Latvian strongman dictator, Yuri Galganin, who uses the name of attorney, James Jordan, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States. Other key figures in the fascist Swaziland dictatorship are George VanCleve, Ed Rindell, Tom Ridge, and others. Many of theses so called whites in Swaziland are really black satanists who use pectin to maintain a white skin color. Of course, the power elite in Swaziland is the Swazi Secret Police force. One would think that Swaziland would be a conistiutional monarchy rather than a puppet dictatorship. The United Nations must hold hearings on the issue of freeing Swaziland from tyranny. The current regime does not care at all about the people, but instead is raping Swaziland of it natural resources, such as diamonds and other precious minerals such as managese. Of course, the real question is how deep the East German Nazi Party, the Dutch Afrikaaner Nazi Party, and the Russian Nazi Party have their tenacles into Swaziland.
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
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