one of his Adulterous Women?

This is a photo clearly indicating the Barak Obama is a Cuban Communist
Congressman Boehner is a loser and an inauthentic authority on the negroe, Obama. It has been reported in the News that Boehner has been having extramarital sexual affairs with two different women simultaneously. With all of this sexual involvement, one would think that the pseudo republican Boehner would not have time to defend Obama from charges that Obama is an illegal president because he was born outside of the United States. A Confidential Source in the Hawaii State Patrol states categorically that Obama was not born in Hawaii, and that the first record of Barak Obama was at age 6. Additionally, it is clear that Barak Obama was raised a moslem fundamentalist, since both his parents were moslem. Congressman Boehner, as a republican, is a strange bedfellow of Obama. One would think that the republicans would be out to get rid of Obama, not come to his aid like some communist thinking that there is only one political party in America. Obama is clearly not a United States citizen and clearly has ties to communist Cuba and Haiti, as a moslem, Christian hater. I suppose it may be that Boehner is not really a Christian either, but instead is some sort of Bosnian or South African moslem. One wonders where Boehner was born. Did anybody really go to gradeschool with Boehner in the United States? Finally, as Notre Dame Law Professor Tom Shaffer might say, following the Ethic of Community, Boehner's extramarital affairs smack of insincere immorality the like of which has not been seen since Sodom and Gomorrah.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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