Osama bin Laden is not really an arab moslem terrorist, but instead is a Dutch Moslem Africaaner Neonazi. Al Queda is really a neonazi Dutch Moslem Africaaner movement. Additionally, the name Laden, means shopkeeper in Dutch. Interestingly, Osama bin Laden's face strongly resembles that of Omaha, neonazi attorney, Bill Dittrick, of the Baird, Holm law firm. The Baird Holm law firm, and the Akin Gump law firm are controlled by Dutch Moslem neonazi Africaaners. It now appears that a large percentage of the Nebraska population is in Dutch Africaaner and involved with the Nebraska Nazi Party and the South African Nazi Party. Several Baird Holm attorneys have spacious vacation homes in South Africa, and are not even United States citizens, and are illegal aliens, not even possessing work visa green cards. Even worse, the Nebraska Nazi Party also is running several voodoo satantic cults in Nebraska, and are involved in the sacrificial murder of Nebraskans who are not in the satanic cult. Other interesting persons with apparent ties to South Africa, include Tom Shaffer, Michael Perry, Dan Kerrigan, Don Wesley, Lawrence Altakker, Dean DeBoer, Karen DeBoer, Robert Voth, Bud Cuca, Bruce and Brian Keller, Jill Gradwhol, Rick Lange, Bob Shively, George VanCleve, Jim Boaks, Laddie Stluka, Bob Haymann, among others. All these neonazi persons have been Named by the National Security Agency. It is clear that the Nebraska Legislature and the Nebraska State Bar Association are dominated by the Nebraska Nazi Party. One hope that the National Security Agency and U.S. Marshall's from Chicago will move into Nebraska and destroy these neonazi pigs. Up the Republic, down with fascist Tyranny!
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