It now appears that Homeland Security Czar, Tom Ridge is a Chechnian moslem KGB Spy. Informed sources in the National Security Agency indicate that the real Tom Ridge was taken prisoner in Vietnam and was replaced with the current Tom Ridge KGB look alike. Tom Ridge is a hard core moslem al queda extremist who has dedicated himself to killing Chrisitans in America on the way to attemping to destroy America with illegal, Homeland Security Gestapo tactics. Tom Ridge regularly "vacations" in the moslem province of Chechnia in Soviet Russia. Tom Ridge is responsbile for strip searches of ordinary Americans at Airports and Train Stations. In fact, Ridge has ordered his Homeland Security thugs to do body cavity searches on women by having his dike and vicious male Homeland Security storm troopers sticking their fingers up women's vaginas in public in Airports and Train Stations. Moreover, as Govenor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge single handedly managed to destroy the Pennsylvania economy with irrational business regulations. Under the Tom Ridge admininstration in Pennsylvania Ridge unconstitutionally implemented the Corporate Asset Tax which results in triple taxation on Pennsylvania corporations. The reports that Tom Ridge is a homosexual child abuser are unconfirmed at this point. Of course, once again, Tom Ridge is really one of those moslem satanic nazi's from South Africa with nigger blood. Thus, Tom Ridge just drips with hypocrisy and is a clear, and blatant violator of Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic. Clearly, Tom Ridge cannot be president of the United States. A vote for Tom Ridge is treason. Finally, just to make sure, it must be noted that Tom Ridge illegally holds corporate stock in both Verizon and Frontier-Alltell. One of Tom Ridge's sexual wives holds Tom Ridge's corporate Verizon and Frontier-Alltell stock in their home-palace in Chechnia. It also appear that Ridge was instrumental in illegally deploying American combat troops in Chechia to fight against the Russian Republic. Additionally, like his boyfriend Newt Gingrich, it appears that Tom Ridge is currently in jail for felonius criminal violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act regarding the illegal Frontier Alltell merger and the illegal Verizon Frontier merger.
(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
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