Thursday, April 21, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Trump says Obama is Ilegal President
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Trump says Obama is Ilegal President: "After eating Watermelon for lunch, the Negro President, Barak Obama's Daughter makes Putt Putt Hole in One. Is Barak Obama a god on th..."
Trump says Obama is Ilegal President

Barak Obama's Daughter makes Putt Putt Hole in One.

Donald Trump lashed out a the negro president Barak Obama for being an illegal president. Trump said that Obama needed to come clean on his Haitian birth. Moreover, there are real concerns about Obama's cherokee and white birth parents. Jesse Jackson, "I have real concerns that Barak Obama is really not honestly representing his black constituency as a creol native american president." Of course, the real problem is that aliens such as Barak Obama cannot be president of the United States because the citizenship requirement has not been met. Given this situation, one wonder's if Joe Biden is an alien from Russia. Meg Ryan, "I really think that Joe Biden should have stuck with selling used cars like his father." Catherine Zeta-Jones, "Most people think that any giantism charge made against Obama is unfair." Michael Douglas, "I really think that Obama should be putting more money into testicular cancer research rather than just breast cancer research." Thomas Magnum, "There are real concerns that actors such as Tom Selleck are literally in bed with the allegedly gay president Barak Obama, and, one wonders what effect this will have on homosexual AIDS research." Donald Trump, "I hope that Barak Obama is able to maintain his illegal income from illicit heroin sales. I would hate to see his "rich nigger" lifestyle drop into poverty, or even worse, middle class mediocrity." Arnold Palmer, "I hope that Barak Obama can maintain his below par handicap in putt putt golf. It would look bad for America if his "daughter" keeps making holes in one, leaving Barak trailing behind."
The Foregoing Blog Article is an Allegorical Article. (C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Shady Donald Trump Seems to be running for Pre...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Shady Donald Trump Seems to be running for Pre...: "Donald Trump without is Tupe Shady Casino owner Donald Trump seems to be placing a bid for president of the United States. 'Of course, th..."
The Shady Donald Trump Seems to be running for President

Shady Casino owner Donald Trump seems to be placing a bid for president of the United States. "Of course, the real trouble with Donald Trump and his immoral gambling operation in Atlantic City, New Jersey, is that Trump employees are unethically accusing experienced gamblers of "countng cards" every time they win. Naturally enough, we all know that the "counting cards" label is just the way a shady casino gets rid of any gamblers who actally beat the odds and win. A closer look at Trump's Blackjack rules also is merited. Of course, it goes without saying that Trump's Roulette wheels have to be regularly inspected for electric-magnetic rigging of the wheel and roulette ball, and it is unclear if they are. Additionally, we all know the Pharoah is a rigged game. We also want to know what happened to Trump's last "fashion model" wife. Has she been killed when she has become inconvenient to Trump? Why don't they appear in public on a regular basis? One hope that his "wife" was just another homosexual crossdresser. It may be that a thorough investigation of Trumps alleged psychiatric history will be necessary. Finally, it is doubtful that Trump knows anything about law, the politcal process, and public policy. I doubt that he is even a very good gambler. Trump's alleged use of off-shore banks also needs to investigated.
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Anthony J. Faber
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Anthony J. Faber
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Lawyer Mental Competency
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Lawyer Mental Competency: "A Legal Opinion by Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Phd., Esq., Coif It is possible that some unethical lawyers might try to disqualify anot..."
Lawyer Mental Competency

A Legal Opinion by Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Phd., Esq., Coif
It is possible that some unethical lawyers might try to disqualify another attorney on the other side of the case by asserting that the opposing lawyer is judicial incompetent to practice law due to mental incompetency for such reasons as believeing in Natural Law, or God, or Christmas, etc. Such chicanery cannot be allowed. Once the lawyer has made an appearance in the case, he only required to not violate the law and not violate the legal ethics rules. The issue of the lawyer's alleged mental incompetency is judged under fire in the legal representation or courtroom itself. This also avoids trumped up false charges of mental incompetency by an apposing attorney in every case. The real test for a lawyer is whether or not he can practice law with committing malpractice on a regular basis, and, this is the only valid test. And, if a moot type test is every used to judge competency to practice law, the legal problem or vignette which is used must be one which the average lawyer could pass, not some super complicated, tricky, problem, and all those involved must know it is a problem exercise, and they must be well paid. The lawyer being tested has the right to require any lawyers insisting on the moot test to take the same or a similar moot court test. Once a lawyer has made an appearance in a legal matter for a client, the lawyer is conclusively presumed to be judicially competent to practice law. This is my Legal Opinion as a Member of the United States Supreme Court Bar and Order of the Coif. Signed, Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Phd., Esq., Coif
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Budget Impasse is Faked
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Budget Impasse is Faked: "The Communist Negro Haitain President Barak Obama The Communist Kremlin, Barak Obama's Favorite Vacation Spot Recently, the Internet New..."
The Obama Budget Impasse is Faked

Recently, the Internet News reported that President Barak Obama and Ohio Senator John Boehner are arguing over the Federal Budget, implying that the federal government might ground to a halt over the budget impasse. In fact, the communist twins Boehner and Obama are once again shoveling disinformation bullshit in our direction. You see, the budget negotiation process starts in January of 2011 for the next fiscal year of 2012. It is perfectly normal that next year's budget is in issue and is being worked on and negotiated at this time of year. In fact, it is unusual for budget agreement at this point in the year. Usually, broad parameters of the federal budget are worked on in the Spring. Then, Congress goes on Summer Recess and comes back in September. In September the work begins in earnest and usually the budget is hammered out by the end of October, that is, approximately 5 months from now. The current budget was passed and signed last year and is not in issue. And, once again a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit is peanuts. All they have to do is cut one B-1 Bomber from the budget, out of 50 or so, and the budget is balanced. If Boehner would pay more attention to his Senate duties than his homosexual mistresses, then he might actually accomplish something. If Obama would admit that he is the son of Haitain Dictator Papa Doc Duvalier, and quit spending time with his homosexual mistresses in Haiti where his big Mansions are, then maybe he would do better. Boehner and Obama are Communist KGB buddies who are out to destroy America. Don't be fooled by their bullshit.
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Building Code Noise Standards for Apartments
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Building Code Noise Standards for Apartments: "The Law tells us that any tenant in an apartment complex has a legal right to make reasonable noise. If there is a problem with noise in an ..."
Building Code Noise Standards for Apartments
The Law tells us that any tenant in an apartment complex has a legal right to make reasonable noise. If there is a problem with noise in an apartment complex, it is almost always the landlord's fault. The landlord is required by Code and by the Implied Warranty of Habitability to build an apartment which is noise proof, between apartments, up to 120 decibals. For older apartment buildings it is possible to put in sound proofing at a later date. Thus, for a landlord to hassle or even attempt to evict a tenant for "excessive noise," the landlord must prove that the noise coming through the apartment walls or ceiling, or floors is above 120 decibals. Unfortunately, many substandard apartment buildings only have soundproofing at a decibal rating of 10 decibals, which is clearly a Building Code violation. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Faber, and Anthony J. Fejfar, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Property and Law
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Property and Law: "This seems to be a typical Property Law Classroom. Some scholars are asserting, wrongly, that property is a 'reified' concept, and therefo..."
Property and Law

Some scholars are asserting, wrongly, that property is a "reified" concept, and therefore invalid. They define "reificiation" as treating an abstract concept as if it is real or concrete, when it is not. Given this definition, it is absolutely clear that property is not a reified concept. In fact, the concrete defintion of property is that an item of property is a thing for me. Moreover, property is also defined as my having control over thing, such that I can say that the thing is in my possession. Once I say that the thing is mine, it is then my property. The idea is that I have the right and the power to prevent others from taking my property, such as the shirt on my back, away from me. Moreover, once I assert that my shirt which is in my closet, when I am out and about, is still my shirt, then property begins to be a meaning or legal concept, starting with the idea of constructive possession of property. Thus, I can assert that the shirt is in my constructive possession, even though it is my closer miles away. Additionally, I can also say that my house is in my constructive possession, even thought I am miles away. Thus, I can begin to say that the property, which is my shirt, is in fact a legal relationship, between persons, and the state, with respect to some thing, tangible or intangible, such as my shirt or patent or copyright. Thus, we can see that, in fact, property is grounded in sense experience and logic, and thus is not reified, and in fact is epistemologically valid. Once we have established that property is valid, we can then see that contracts are valid. You see, if two people possess tangible personal property, such as their extra shirts, they can they trade them with each other in a barter contract. Of course, later on, I will be able to sell my shirt for money, in a contract, as such, and, in any event, we can see that the idea of a contract is epistemologically valid as grounded in concrete property. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar, and Anthony J. Faber, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA).
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Osama bin Laden is a Dutch Africaaner Neonazi
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Osama bin Laden is a Dutch Africaaner Neonazi: "Osama bin Laden is not really an arab moslem terrorist, but instead is a Dutch Moslem Africaaner Neonazi. Al Queda is really a neonazi..."
Osama bin Laden is a Dutch Africaaner Neonazi

Osama bin Laden is not really an arab moslem terrorist, but instead is a Dutch Moslem Africaaner Neonazi. Al Queda is really a neonazi Dutch Moslem Africaaner movement. Additionally, the name Laden, means shopkeeper in Dutch. Interestingly, Osama bin Laden's face strongly resembles that of Omaha, neonazi attorney, Bill Dittrick, of the Baird, Holm law firm. The Baird Holm law firm, and the Akin Gump law firm are controlled by Dutch Moslem neonazi Africaaners. It now appears that a large percentage of the Nebraska population is in Dutch Africaaner and involved with the Nebraska Nazi Party and the South African Nazi Party. Several Baird Holm attorneys have spacious vacation homes in South Africa, and are not even United States citizens, and are illegal aliens, not even possessing work visa green cards. Even worse, the Nebraska Nazi Party also is running several voodoo satantic cults in Nebraska, and are involved in the sacrificial murder of Nebraskans who are not in the satanic cult. Other interesting persons with apparent ties to South Africa, include Tom Shaffer, Michael Perry, Dan Kerrigan, Don Wesley, Lawrence Altakker, Dean DeBoer, Karen DeBoer, Robert Voth, Bud Cuca, Bruce and Brian Keller, Jill Gradwhol, Rick Lange, Bob Shively, George VanCleve, Jim Boaks, Laddie Stluka, Bob Haymann, among others. All these neonazi persons have been Named by the National Security Agency. It is clear that the Nebraska Legislature and the Nebraska State Bar Association are dominated by the Nebraska Nazi Party. One hope that the National Security Agency and U.S. Marshall's from Chicago will move into Nebraska and destroy these neonazi pigs. Up the Republic, down with fascist Tyranny!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Free Swaziland
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Free Swaziland: "The corrupt country of Swaziland must be freed from fascist tyranny. The figurehead in Swaziland is a puppet King, with the country real..."
Free Swaziland

The corrupt country of Swaziland must be freed from fascist tyranny. The figurehead in Swaziland is a puppet King, with the country really being run by the East German Nazi-Communist Party and the Dutch Africaaner Nazi Party out of Nebraska, USA, and South Africa. The real power behing the throne in Swaziland is Soviet Russian-Latvian strongman dictator, Yuri Galganin, who uses the name of attorney, James Jordan, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States. Other key figures in the fascist Swaziland dictatorship are George VanCleve, Ed Rindell, Tom Ridge, and others. Many of theses so called whites in Swaziland are really black satanists who use pectin to maintain a white skin color. Of course, the power elite in Swaziland is the Swazi Secret Police force. One would think that Swaziland would be a conistiutional monarchy rather than a puppet dictatorship. The United Nations must hold hearings on the issue of freeing Swaziland from tyranny. The current regime does not care at all about the people, but instead is raping Swaziland of it natural resources, such as diamonds and other precious minerals such as managese. Of course, the real question is how deep the East German Nazi Party, the Dutch Afrikaaner Nazi Party, and the Russian Nazi Party have their tenacles into Swaziland.
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Deinstitutilisation of Law
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Deinstitutilisation of Law: "We can now say that, Duncan Kennedy and Critical Legal Studies, have, for quite some time now, led the charge in asserting that the legisla..."
The Deinstitutilisation of Law

We can now say that, Duncan Kennedy and Critical Legal Studies, have, for quite some time now, led the charge in asserting that the legislature and the judicial system are engaging in hegemonic, corrupt, and even incompetent legal practices. Thus, given the current state of the judiciary with many judges being elected and serving as judges without having even been to law school, it is now the time to begin discussing the "Deinstitutionalisation of Law." Thus, there is now a movement to return to Sheriff's Law, also known as the Law of Logic, where ordinary persons, who have a background in logic, are able to attack the incompetent, corrupt prosecutor and judiciary, with the charge, under Sheriff's Law of Criminal Nuisance on the Assizes, and Treason on the Assizes. The days when a corrupt judge and prosecutor can simply throw a human being into prison, for life, without a trial are over. Up the Republic of America, Down with Tyranny.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The National Security Act of 1947 and Sheriff's La...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The National Security Act of 1947 and Sheriff's La...: "The National Security Act of 1947, which reaffirmed the National Security Act of 1933, provides that as a matter of Natural Law, and Natio..."
The National Security Act of 1947 and Sheriff's Law , the Law of Logic

The National Security Act of 1947, which reaffirmed the National Security Act of 1933, provides that as a matter of Natural Law, and National Security, that the National Security Council and the National Security Agency, have the power to enforce Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, as a matter of Natural Law and National Security. The National Security Act provides that a person or existant, can be charged with the crimes of Treason on the Assizes and Criminal Nuisance on the Assizes for violating Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, which prohibits and criminalizes sophistry in the form of Sophistic Arguments and Positions, which involve Logical Fallacies, such as: The Fallacy of Hypocrisy, The Fallacy of Shifting Ground, Attempting to prove the Antecedent from the Consequent, The Fallacy of asserting a Logical Contradiction, The Fallacy of an Appeal to an Authority, as such, The Fallacy of Appealing to Group Conventional Standards, The Fallacy of Appealing to a Mob, etc. Obviously, it benefits a person greatly to have at least 2 Logic Courses, one in Informal Logic and the other in Symbolic Logic in order to appropriately understand and utilize and defend oneself using the National Security Act and Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic.
In order to have an Occult Effect, the above National Security Act Document was soaked in grain alcohol, which was blessed by a Cardinal Archbishop, and was then burnt.
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber, and Anthony Fejfar,
and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
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