Barak Obama is an Opus Dei-Hezbollah Nazi Pig. Obama is a rich "nigger" who hates the poor and kisses ass to greedy millionaires. Some even think that Obama is an "uppity nigger." There is nothing worse than a poor negroe who sells out to rich people and they betrays the poor. The amount of money in the Federal Deficit now is less than the cost of one B-1 Bomber. Additionally, all we have to do is cut USAID money to countries such as Haiti, Russia, China, etc. A huge part of the Federal Budget goes to USAID programs overseas that benefit rich people, not the poor or midddle class. It also appears that Obama is a personal friend of Cuban Communist Dictator, Fidel Castro. Moreover, all we have to do is get out of Iraq for real. Obama is pretending that Iraq is over, when in fact, there are still over 50,000 US combat troops in Iraq, for no reason at all. As Jesus of Nazereth tells us in the Protestant Bible, we are to respect and help the poor and the mentally ill, and not persecute them or starve them to death. Barak Obama is an evil, selfish, moslem pig. And, as a moslem, Barak Obama is not praying to Mecca three times a day like he is supposed to. Obama violates moslem law by drinking alcholic beverages on a regular basis. Also, moslems are considered unclean if they eat food with their right hands, and Obama does this all the time. It also appears that Barak Obama is so delusional and mentally ill that he thinks that he is pyshically channelling Ronald Reagan from the Other Side, when Obama is really channelling the demon Ismideous. Of course, the real question is how many white wives Obama has in his moslem harem? Good Liberal Republicans are not looking for budget cuts, they know that we can easily use Federal Reserve Economic Development money, off budget, without cutting social programs at all. As Jesus tells, woe to you rich, for your reward is now, and you will rot in Hell in the Afterlife. Jesus also tells us, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a sewing needle than it is for a rich, greedy person to enter into Purgatory or the Kingdom of Heaven.
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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