Erich Honaker photo on the left. Yuri Andropov photo on the right.
It appears that East German Dictator Erich Honaker, and Soviet KGB Head, and Soviet Dictator Yuri Andropov may be the same person. The bone structure of the faces of Honaker and Andropov seems to be the same. It may be that plastic surgery was used to conceal their common identity, or it may be that "Mission Impossible" type plastic face makeover has been used.Also, the two men above seem to be the fake Psychiatrist, fake jesuit priest, and fake federal district court judge, Lawrence Altaker, who seems to be livng in both Omaha, Nebraska, and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. There also seems to be a resemblence between the three men above, and Judge Stan Wettig, who allegedly grew up in Papillion, Nebraska, and has been a corrupt, incompetent judge on the Common Pleas Bench, here in Pittsburgh, for quite some time.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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