In dealing with the Poor and Mentally Ill, there are three possible models of reality that can be used, which are: The Prison Model, the Summer Camp Model, and the Vacation Model.
The Prison Model, which is wrong, treats the Poor and Mentally Ill as criminals who should be put in jail. The Prison Model is wrong because the Poor and Mentally Ill have not committed crimes. Being Poor or Mentally Ill is a status designation, and following the English and American Common Law you cannot charge someone with a status crime. If this were true, then we could charge people with crimes like, being a jew, being a moslem, having red hair, etc. And we know this is wrong just as much as charging someone with the crime of being Poor or Mentally Ill. At the other extreme is the Vacation Model for the Poor and Mentally Ill. The Vacation Model is that society gives the Poor and the Mentally Ill a paid vacation for the rest of their lives. First of all, it is not good for a person to be on vacation for the rest of his or her life. Second, the Vacation Model means the Welfare Model for the Poor and Mentally Ill. Working people will not pay for the Poor and Mentally Ill to be on a Welfare Vacation for the rest of their lives. And, the Welfare Vacation Model is a trap. The vile Social Workers who run welfare programs make sure that the welfare check is not enough, and then make sure that the welfare recipient cannot work and cannot even receive gifts from relatives. If fact, I have heard of vile Social Workers illegally throwing welfare clients into jail without a trial for receiving a Five Dollar Christmas Gift from a relative. The Summer Camp Model is the only Model that works for helping the Poor and Mentally Ill. In Summer Camp you are required to engage in Camp Activities which are moderately challenging, fun, and educational. Under the Summer Camp Model there is no welfare payment, instead each person receives a handsome volunteer stipend for doing enjoyable Volunteer Work. If there is no Volunteer Work available, then the Poor or Mentally Ill person receives money to work on Hobbies. Hobbies could include Writing, Reading, Woodworking, building model airplanes, sewing, listening to music, cooking, crocheting, etc. Working people do not have a problem with paying people to work on Hobbies. If the person cannot do Volunteer Work, because of a mental or physical disability, then the person should get a supplemental disability check and can be encouraged to develop a hobby. Also, the Summer Camp Model is clearly not a labor camp or concentration camp model, in fact, the opposite is true. Additionally, the Summer Camp Model can help the Poor and the Mentally Ill at home or in their apartments, not just in some actual camp type location. Finally, this Summer Camp Model of helping the Poor and Mentally Ill can be funded with Federal Reserve, Economic Development Money, off budget, without using tax dollars, in such a way that the overall economy is helped.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
The Prison Model, which is wrong, treats the Poor and Mentally Ill as criminals who should be put in jail. The Prison Model is wrong because the Poor and Mentally Ill have not committed crimes. Being Poor or Mentally Ill is a status designation, and following the English and American Common Law you cannot charge someone with a status crime. If this were true, then we could charge people with crimes like, being a jew, being a moslem, having red hair, etc. And we know this is wrong just as much as charging someone with the crime of being Poor or Mentally Ill. At the other extreme is the Vacation Model for the Poor and Mentally Ill. The Vacation Model is that society gives the Poor and the Mentally Ill a paid vacation for the rest of their lives. First of all, it is not good for a person to be on vacation for the rest of his or her life. Second, the Vacation Model means the Welfare Model for the Poor and Mentally Ill. Working people will not pay for the Poor and Mentally Ill to be on a Welfare Vacation for the rest of their lives. And, the Welfare Vacation Model is a trap. The vile Social Workers who run welfare programs make sure that the welfare check is not enough, and then make sure that the welfare recipient cannot work and cannot even receive gifts from relatives. If fact, I have heard of vile Social Workers illegally throwing welfare clients into jail without a trial for receiving a Five Dollar Christmas Gift from a relative. The Summer Camp Model is the only Model that works for helping the Poor and Mentally Ill. In Summer Camp you are required to engage in Camp Activities which are moderately challenging, fun, and educational. Under the Summer Camp Model there is no welfare payment, instead each person receives a handsome volunteer stipend for doing enjoyable Volunteer Work. If there is no Volunteer Work available, then the Poor or Mentally Ill person receives money to work on Hobbies. Hobbies could include Writing, Reading, Woodworking, building model airplanes, sewing, listening to music, cooking, crocheting, etc. Working people do not have a problem with paying people to work on Hobbies. If the person cannot do Volunteer Work, because of a mental or physical disability, then the person should get a supplemental disability check and can be encouraged to develop a hobby. Also, the Summer Camp Model is clearly not a labor camp or concentration camp model, in fact, the opposite is true. Additionally, the Summer Camp Model can help the Poor and the Mentally Ill at home or in their apartments, not just in some actual camp type location. Finally, this Summer Camp Model of helping the Poor and Mentally Ill can be funded with Federal Reserve, Economic Development Money, off budget, without using tax dollars, in such a way that the overall economy is helped.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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