Sunday, October 31, 2010
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The True Meaning of the phrase "Al Queda"
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The True Meaning of the phrase "Al Queda": "After doing a moderate amount of linguistics research, I have discovered that the true meaning of the phrase, 'Al Queda,' is 'The Overthr..."
The True Meaning of the phrase "Al Queda"

After doing a moderate amount of linguistics research, I have discovered that the true meaning of the phrase, "Al Queda," is "The Overthrow" or "The Coup Attempt" and the language used is spanish arabic.
This photo of Al Queda leader, Osama bin Laden, resembles nazi war criminal and traitor Reagan CIA operative, Klaus Barbie, and also resembles William Dittrick, an alleged psuedonym of Klaus Barbie. Also, the name "Laden" is a german name.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Is Klaus Barbie the Nazi Butcher of Lyon really Om...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Is Klaus Barbie the Nazi Butcher of Lyon really Om...: "Klaus Barbie the Butcher of Lyon, a heinous nazi war criminal escaped justice by going to work for the American Central Intelligence Agency..."
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: It Appears that theRonald Reagan CIA ordered the I...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Al Queda Terrorists are really the Iranian Mos...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Al Queda Terrorists are really the Iranian Mos...: "The Al Queda Terrorist Movment appears to have roots in the nazi party, in moslem Iran with the Savak/Savama, and in the moslem White House ..."
The Al Queda Terrorists are really the Iranian Moslem Savak/Savama
The Al Queda Terrorist Movment appears to have roots in the nazi party, in moslem Iran with the Savak/Savama, and in the moslem White House in Washington, D.C.

The nazi moslem dictator of Iran, and Al Queda Terrorist leader Khomieni

The nazi moslem dictator of Iran, and Al Queda Terrorist leader Khomieni

Klaus Barbie, nazi war criminal, who can be identified as Reagan CIA operative Bill Dittrick, appears to have ties to Savak/Savama and Al Queda.
It now appears that the real leadership in the Al Queda Terrorist movement is the crimnal Savak/Savama secret police working for the Iranian nazi/communists following the satanic Khomeini regime in Iran. Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie, apparently using the fake identity of Omaha, Nebraska attorney, William Dittrick, has been linked with the Savak/Savama. It has been said that Dittrick is also a Gaultieter in the American Nazi Party. Confidential sources in American National Security Agency are saying that the 9/11 World Trade Center Terrorist Attack was actually planned and implemented by the George W. Bush, Whitehouse, in order have an excuse to suspend constitutional rights, start a secret police force, Homeland Security, and declare a moslem dictatorship. Now that we know that Barak Obama is a Moslem, it is apparent that he is just following through on the Bush plan to create an illegal dictatorship. For example, it is impossible for many people to travel by airplane now because of illegal, heinous security measures by Homeland Security. Moreover, a close analysis of the 9/11 alleged video footage show that the airplane aspect of the attack was simply faked on the video, and in fact, the World Trade Center buildings were imploded by a professional demoltion company. It also appears that the Bush anti-Al Queda legislation had already been drafted and even introduced in Congress before the 9/11 attack took place. Also, concentration/internment camps for alleged Al Queda terrorists, had already been built in eastern Ohio and rural Oklahoma. The Bush "profile" for alleged Al Queda "terrorist" was liberal democrats, Catholic democrats, Spiritual and Intelectual Catholics, etc. It also appears that Obama has illegally dissolved Congress and all the recent legislation is faked and illegal. Finally as a matter of interest, the meaning of the phrase, "Al Queda" is "The overthrow" or "the coup attempt", and the words are arabic spanish.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
It Appears that theRonald Reagan CIA ordered the Iranian Hostage Takeover to destroy Jimmy Carter

Confidential Sources in the American National Security Agency are now concerned that the American Embassy Hostage takeover was in fact orchestrated by Reagan CIA personnel in order to destroy the Jimmy Carter Presidency and insure that Ronald Reagan would win the next Presidential Election. Apparently the Reagan CIA recruited nazi war criminal, Klaus Barbie, also known as Bill Dittrick, alleged Omaha, Nebraska, Baird, Holm Law Firm, attorney. Dittrick admits that he is fluent in the Iranian Farsi language and that he allegedly did 2 years in the Peace Corps in Iran, as a Peace Corps Volunteer. At the time that the American Military attempted to rescue the American Embassy Hostages, it was reported that the CIA has purposedly fragged the rescue mission. Then, somehow, Ronald Reagan magically was able to secure the release of the American Hostages. It may be that Ronald Reagan was a Soviet Sleeper Spy for the Russians, trained in Vladivostok, Soviet Union. There is speculation, that the Baird, Holm Law Firm in Omaha, Nebraska, is packed with South African Nazi Party Members with ties to Communist East Germany and Soviet Russia.
Is Klaus Barbie the Nazi Butcher of Lyon really Omaha Attorney Bill Dittrick?

Klaus Barbie the Butcher of Lyon, a heinous nazi war criminal escaped justice by going to work for the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in South America in 1947. Although it is claimed by Klaus Barbie died, it appears that his death was faked, and, that he is in fact Omaha, Nebraska, Attorney Bill Dittrick, supposedly from Norfolk, Nebraska, who is reputed to be a Gaultieter in the American Nazi Party. It seems that that Klaus Barbie/Dittrick was working for the Reagan CIA, during the Carter Administration, as was the leader of the Iranian Hostage Takeover of the American Embassay in Tehran, while Dittrick was supposedly in Iran as a Peace Corps volunteer. Klaus Barbie must be prevented form obtaining political power in the United States. He has already been the President of the Nebraska State Bar Association. Anyone who has seen Bill Dittrick can see that the photograph of Klaus Barbie, here, is William Dittrick.
Additionally, there is some concern that Bill Dittrick, a Baird, Holm, attorney in Omha, Nebraska, has been fraudultently double billing clients and thus committing Mail Fraud, a Federal Crime. See generally, 18 United States Code Section 1341 for the Mail Fraud Statute.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
The Summer Camp Model for the Poor and Mentally Ill

In dealing with the Poor and Mentally Ill, there are three possible models of reality that can be used, which are: The Prison Model, the Summer Camp Model, and the Vacation Model.
The Prison Model, which is wrong, treats the Poor and Mentally Ill as criminals who should be put in jail. The Prison Model is wrong because the Poor and Mentally Ill have not committed crimes. Being Poor or Mentally Ill is a status designation, and following the English and American Common Law you cannot charge someone with a status crime. If this were true, then we could charge people with crimes like, being a jew, being a moslem, having red hair, etc. And we know this is wrong just as much as charging someone with the crime of being Poor or Mentally Ill. At the other extreme is the Vacation Model for the Poor and Mentally Ill. The Vacation Model is that society gives the Poor and the Mentally Ill a paid vacation for the rest of their lives. First of all, it is not good for a person to be on vacation for the rest of his or her life. Second, the Vacation Model means the Welfare Model for the Poor and Mentally Ill. Working people will not pay for the Poor and Mentally Ill to be on a Welfare Vacation for the rest of their lives. And, the Welfare Vacation Model is a trap. The vile Social Workers who run welfare programs make sure that the welfare check is not enough, and then make sure that the welfare recipient cannot work and cannot even receive gifts from relatives. If fact, I have heard of vile Social Workers illegally throwing welfare clients into jail without a trial for receiving a Five Dollar Christmas Gift from a relative. The Summer Camp Model is the only Model that works for helping the Poor and Mentally Ill. In Summer Camp you are required to engage in Camp Activities which are moderately challenging, fun, and educational. Under the Summer Camp Model there is no welfare payment, instead each person receives a handsome volunteer stipend for doing enjoyable Volunteer Work. If there is no Volunteer Work available, then the Poor or Mentally Ill person receives money to work on Hobbies. Hobbies could include Writing, Reading, Woodworking, building model airplanes, sewing, listening to music, cooking, crocheting, etc. Working people do not have a problem with paying people to work on Hobbies. If the person cannot do Volunteer Work, because of a mental or physical disability, then the person should get a supplemental disability check and can be encouraged to develop a hobby. Also, the Summer Camp Model is clearly not a labor camp or concentration camp model, in fact, the opposite is true. Additionally, the Summer Camp Model can help the Poor and the Mentally Ill at home or in their apartments, not just in some actual camp type location. Finally, this Summer Camp Model of helping the Poor and Mentally Ill can be funded with Federal Reserve, Economic Development Money, off budget, without using tax dollars, in such a way that the overall economy is helped.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
The Prison Model, which is wrong, treats the Poor and Mentally Ill as criminals who should be put in jail. The Prison Model is wrong because the Poor and Mentally Ill have not committed crimes. Being Poor or Mentally Ill is a status designation, and following the English and American Common Law you cannot charge someone with a status crime. If this were true, then we could charge people with crimes like, being a jew, being a moslem, having red hair, etc. And we know this is wrong just as much as charging someone with the crime of being Poor or Mentally Ill. At the other extreme is the Vacation Model for the Poor and Mentally Ill. The Vacation Model is that society gives the Poor and the Mentally Ill a paid vacation for the rest of their lives. First of all, it is not good for a person to be on vacation for the rest of his or her life. Second, the Vacation Model means the Welfare Model for the Poor and Mentally Ill. Working people will not pay for the Poor and Mentally Ill to be on a Welfare Vacation for the rest of their lives. And, the Welfare Vacation Model is a trap. The vile Social Workers who run welfare programs make sure that the welfare check is not enough, and then make sure that the welfare recipient cannot work and cannot even receive gifts from relatives. If fact, I have heard of vile Social Workers illegally throwing welfare clients into jail without a trial for receiving a Five Dollar Christmas Gift from a relative. The Summer Camp Model is the only Model that works for helping the Poor and Mentally Ill. In Summer Camp you are required to engage in Camp Activities which are moderately challenging, fun, and educational. Under the Summer Camp Model there is no welfare payment, instead each person receives a handsome volunteer stipend for doing enjoyable Volunteer Work. If there is no Volunteer Work available, then the Poor or Mentally Ill person receives money to work on Hobbies. Hobbies could include Writing, Reading, Woodworking, building model airplanes, sewing, listening to music, cooking, crocheting, etc. Working people do not have a problem with paying people to work on Hobbies. If the person cannot do Volunteer Work, because of a mental or physical disability, then the person should get a supplemental disability check and can be encouraged to develop a hobby. Also, the Summer Camp Model is clearly not a labor camp or concentration camp model, in fact, the opposite is true. Additionally, the Summer Camp Model can help the Poor and the Mentally Ill at home or in their apartments, not just in some actual camp type location. Finally, this Summer Camp Model of helping the Poor and Mentally Ill can be funded with Federal Reserve, Economic Development Money, off budget, without using tax dollars, in such a way that the overall economy is helped.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The American Civil Liberties Union is an Anti-Cath...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The American Civil Liberties Union is an Anti-Cath...: "It now is apparent that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is an anti-Catholic satanic cult. Instead of acting..."
The American Civil Liberties Union is an Anti-Catholic satanic cult

It now is apparent that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is an anti-Catholic satanic cult. Instead of acting to support the Civil Rights of Catholics, the ACLU does everything it can to put togather illegal working groups of athiest materialist, nazi, communist, moslem, and jew attorneys to put "Liberal" Catholics on Psychiatric Wards to destroy their political and professional careers. The ACLU also does everything it can to destroy Intellectual and Spiritual Catholics. Additionally, the ACLU also does everything it can to destroy the Natural Rights and Civil Rights of the "mentally ill" in general. The ACLU should really be called the AFU, that is, the American Fascist Union. Every person of conscience must act to everthing they can to destroy the ACLU, in the first instance, by pulling their funding. Any "donations" to the ACLU should not qualify for an income tax deduction. Also, it appears tht the ACLU has its own illegal division inside the Justice Department Anti-trust Division, called the Mental Health Department. The ACLU is clearly an illegal, satanic, subversive organization, whose members should be crimnally prosecuted under RICO, that is, the Racketeering Inflenced Corrupt Organizations Act. See generally, 18 United States Code Section 1961.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: A Charge of Necromancy is Illegal
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: A Charge of Necromancy is Illegal: "Legal Opinion by Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif, Member, United States Supreme Court Bar I have heard that some satanists, who..."
A Charge of Necromancy is Illegal
Legal Opinion by Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif,
Member, United States Supreme Court Bar
I have heard that some satanists, who are passing themselves off as relgious fundamentalists, are trying to charge Christians with "necromancy" for asserting that they have Gifts of the Spirit, or that a Miracle has been performed or observed. However, the charge of necromancy is a false charge. Necromancy is defined in Webster's as "communing with dead spirits." Black's Law Dictionary does not even contain, let alone define, the term "necromancy." Moreover, the charge of "necromancy" is found nowhere in the English Common Law or the American Common Law. The British Constitution and International Treaty, Manga Charta (1215) states that no criminal charge is valid if it diverges substantially from the English Common Law as of the year 1215. And, English Common Law crimes as of the year 1215, did not contain any such crime as, "necromancy." In other words, "necromancy" is simply a fabricated term used by satanist to unjustly persecute others.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Member, United States Supreme Court Bar
I have heard that some satanists, who are passing themselves off as relgious fundamentalists, are trying to charge Christians with "necromancy" for asserting that they have Gifts of the Spirit, or that a Miracle has been performed or observed. However, the charge of necromancy is a false charge. Necromancy is defined in Webster's as "communing with dead spirits." Black's Law Dictionary does not even contain, let alone define, the term "necromancy." Moreover, the charge of "necromancy" is found nowhere in the English Common Law or the American Common Law. The British Constitution and International Treaty, Manga Charta (1215) states that no criminal charge is valid if it diverges substantially from the English Common Law as of the year 1215. And, English Common Law crimes as of the year 1215, did not contain any such crime as, "necromancy." In other words, "necromancy" is simply a fabricated term used by satanist to unjustly persecute others.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Insane Tax Policy
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Insane Tax Policy: "An article in Yahoo News Online, states that the Communist traitor, Obama is planning to destroy every traditional tax deduction that has b..."
The Obama Insane Tax Policy

An article in Yahoo News Online, states that the Communist traitor, Obama is planning to destroy every traditional tax deduction that has been available for Americans, rich and poor, for the last 70 years. Obama and the traitor United States Congress are talking about eliminating the following standard tax deductions: no mortgage interest deduction, no charitable deduction, no health insurance deduction, etc. Obama and the Congress are traitors and must be kicked out of political office before they destroy America.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Monday, October 25, 2010
Is Barak Obama in the Ton Ton Macute Mafia?

Barak Obama, sometime president of the United States has claimed in public that he had approximately $6.5 million dollars in royalty income last year for a book he allegedly wrote, which, most people have never heard of. In fact, Barak Obama's Book is selling New at Amazon Online for approximately $2.75 a book, and the Book is selling used for One Cent per book. It is difficult to see how any significant royalties could be made with such discount prices. Instead, one begins to wonder if Barak Obama is really a drug dealer as some people in Haiti and Jamaica are saying. Curiously, Barak Obama vacations in Haiti, even though he supposedly grew up in Hawaii and the Phillipines. Sources in the Hawaii State Patrol are saying that Barak Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii, and, therefore may not be a United States citizen at all. Moreover, as to Obama's "black" constituency, it appears that Barak Obama is part Cherokee Indian, and, his mother is really a bosnian moslem white. Perhaps this passes for "black" in Burbank, but not in Pittsburgh. Obama supporters are trying to set aside thoughts that Obama was really a Golf Caddy and then Golf Pro for Bill Clinton at Augusta, and that the only college degree he ever really received was in the subject of restroom graffitti.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Is Newt Gingrich a Falun Gung Messiah?

New Gingrich, possible presidential cantidate now appears to be an avowed mystic. In the photo on the left, Newt appears to undergoing an escatic spiritual experience. Many people even seem to see a saintly halo behind Gingrich's head. Newt seems to be following the tradition set by Charles Colson in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal where Colson became a born again Christian in prison. It is very comforting to know that Newt Gingrich apparently only received 20 years house arrest for participating in the House Banking Scandal and the House Post Office scandal. Confidential sources in the National Security Agency of America are saying that Newt Gingrich embezzeled over $500,000 from the House Bank using fake Post Office expense receipts from the House Post Office. Additionally, Newt Gingrich was cited for approximately 185 violations of the House of Representatives Ethics Rules. Gingrich supporters are trying to set aside rumours that Gingrich was really born in Bosnia, Yugoslavia, and is an avowed Soviet Spy. Finally, rumours are circulating that Gingrich is simultaneously attempting to be a vice presdidential cantidate with Arnold Schwartzenegger while acting as Barak Obama's chief political advisor and campaign consultant.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Arnold Swartzenegger and Yuri Andropov for President of USA

Confidential sources in the
National Security Agency of America are now saying that the former male model and alleged presidential cantidate Arnold Schwarzenneger has chosen his running mate (gay boyfriend)Yuri Andropov (Lawrence Altatker)
National Security Agency of America are now saying that the former male model and alleged presidential cantidate Arnold Schwarzenneger has chosen his running mate (gay boyfriend)Yuri Andropov (Lawrence Altatker)
When asked to comment, neonazi war criminal Adolph Eichman (Ralph Picciotto) had this to say: "In nazi germany we were only able to resolve the jewish question with gas chambers in concentration camps, this time, we are planning to exterminate both moslems and jews, both Arnold and Lawrence think this will be a real plus for America.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
Sunday, October 24, 2010
KGB Head Yuri Adropov and the Hardliner Countercoup against Gorbachev

As you may remember, Gorbachev and Yeltsin were the heroes of the Second Russin Revolution, ousting the corrupt, anti-socialist, and fascist cabal of the KGB Dictator, Yuri Andopov from power. It now appears that Andropov, himself, orchestrated the attempted hardliner countercoup against Gorbachev in an attempt to destroy the Constitutional Democracy of the Russian Republic. At this point, it is very difficult to understand why the Russian Repbublic is allowing Andropov to run a rogue KGB operation in the United States of America, apparently using the name of Lawrence Altaker.
Confidential Sources in the American National Security Agency are now speculating that it may be that Andropov/Altaker is actually running his destructive KGB network in the United States with the tacit, and perhaps, even express approval of Moscow and the Chernov regime. Are the hardliners back in control in Moscow without letting us know? Inquiring minds wish to know.
(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar
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