Sunday, June 26, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Trade Associations and The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Trade Associations and The Sherman Anti-Trust Act: "Grocery Stores and other businesses belong to Trade Associations where they allegedly just go to evaluate new product for sale, and the like..."
Trade Associations and The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Grocery Stores and other businesses belong to Trade Associations where they allegedly just go to evaluate new product for sale, and the like. In fact most trade associations are where all the grocery stores chains, for example, go to illegally set retail grocery prices in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. This criminal conduct on the part of grocery stores must stop. A can of Campbell's Soup, wholesale to a retail grocery stores only costs the grocery store 3-5 cents a can, while the same can of soup is selling for $1.75 a can to the public at the retail grocery store level. Such grocery stores are gouging and are illegally and criminally colluding in violation of the Federal, Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The FBI must start sending undercover agents into grocery stores and grocery store trade association meeting, typically held at Carribean Resorts, just outside the United States, and get the evidence to arrest these grocery store criminals.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C., (PA) and
The American Public as a Public Domain Copyright.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C., (PA) and
The American Public as a Public Domain Copyright.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Obama Scores Hole in One in Afghanistan
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Obama Scores Hole in One in Afghanistan: "Russian Combat Troops in Afghanistan Russian Troops on Parade in Afghanistan Is it possible that Barak Obama is giving up being a..."
Obama Scores Hole in One in Afghanistan

Is it possible that Barak Obama is giving up being a negro and is becoming a real Black American? Obama has made a brilliant tactical and strategic move by pulling American troops out of Afghanistan and at the same time inviting in Russian peacekeeping troops from the Russian Republican. Senator John Boehner. "Obama is making a brilliant move by pulling troops out of Afghanistan and inviting Russian in as peacekeepers. Afghanistan has always been in the Russian sphere of influence and it makes sense that now that Russia is a Constitutional Demcracy no longer communist, that the Russians take control in Afghanistan and restore the peace by putting down the Al Queda moslem insurgency there." Senator Ted Kennedy. "After the Al Queda moslem terrorists from Chechia and Afghanistan killed all of those innocent children at the Balshoi ballet in Moscow, it is easy to see that the Russians must redeem their honor by returning to Afghanistan and making sure Justice is done."
(C)Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Health Care Bill is a Fraud
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Health Care Bill is a Fraud: "The Obama 'Affordable Health Care Bill' is a fraud. Obama is attempting to rule by decree like a dictator. I have thorougly researched the C..."
The Obama Health Care Bill is a Fraud
The Obama "Affordable Health Care Bill" is a fraud. Obama is attempting to rule by decree like a dictator. I have thorougly researched the Congressional Record Online and the United States Statutes at Large, and neither have any reference to the Obama Health Care Bill at all. In other words, no evidence in the Congressional Record that the Obama Health Care Bill was ever introduced, was ever discussed on the Floor of the House of Representatives or the Senate. Moreover, to be a valid Law, any Congressional Bill signed by the President must be published in the United States Statutes at Large and then the United States Code Service, and, neither source contains the Obama Health Care Bill. Finally, the Obama Health Care Bill is unconstitutional in that more benefits are given to blacks, regardless of income, and benefits are unreasonably taken away from poor and disabled whites.
Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd., Coif
Member, United States Supreme Court Bar
Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd., Coif
Member, United States Supreme Court Bar
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Enforcing the National Security Act of 1947
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Enforcing the National Security Act of 1947: "The United States of America holds of Pennsylvania Colony and the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 which requires that all law and government ac..."
Enforcing the National Security Act of 1947
The United States of America holds of Pennsylvania Colony and the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 which requires that all law and government actions must be in accordance with reason in order to be valid under natural law. International Law, following Grotius, the founder of International Law, states that every person, without exception, has an natural right or individual right of liberty and property which cannot be infringed upon unreasonably by anyone, not even God Himself. Liberty is that range of speech, action, association, artististic expression, self-actualization, and writing, which falls within the Rule of Reason, that is, that which is not unreasonable. Reason is a composite of love, logic, and intuition. Logic is defined as that which is not illogical. That which illogical is that which involves a logical contradiction, such as asserting that A and not A can exist at the same time in the same place. Thus, it is a logical contradiction to assert that you have an (A)pple at and in the same time in the same place, such as, in your left hand. Once the State has come into existence, the positivist argument is that you cannot oppose the state. But, what if the State its leadership is acting and speaking unreasonably, incompetently, illogically, treasonously, or corruptly. As John Rawls tells us, once the State has moved from being a Just or Near Just society, and has become an Unjust Society, the People revert to natural law, that is, Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, and rebel against the unjust governement. This is also authorized under International Law, following Grotius. While the State, following Kelsen, has a right to survive, and thus use the notion of National Security to stay in power, in fact, natural law also tells us that an unjust state or leader has no right to stay in power when natural law and the natural right of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are being violated. The National Security Act, enforcing Sheriff's Law, then, provides that a person, even the President of the United States can be criminally prosectuted for Treason, Treason on the Assizes, and for Criminal Nuisance and Criminal Nuisance of the Assizes for violating Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic. For example, let us assume that there is a foreign spy who is in America, killing and torturing Americans. Once such a person has been apprehended, an Inquistional Court is seated, as a Bench Trial for violating the National Security Act, that is the Law of Logic. Once the defendant admit that he or she or hae has been killing and torturing Americans, the Judge then asks the Defendant if he would like that to happen to him. If the defendant says yes, then that criminal sentence is carried out. If the defendant says no, then that defendant is criminally prosecuted under the National Security Act of 1947 for violating Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, for committing the fallacy of shifting ground and the fallacy of hypocrisy. Life in Apartment Internment is the standard sentence for a defendant committing the crime of Criminal Nuisance and sophistry, while the Death Penalty is the standard sentence for Treason and sophistry. This is consitent with Professor Robert Lipkin's notion of Constitutional Treason.
(C)Perpetual Copyright and (P) Patent by Anthony J. Fejfar, Neothomism, P.C. (PA) and the American People, as a Public Domain Copyright and Patent.
(C)Perpetual Copyright and (P) Patent by Anthony J. Fejfar, Neothomism, P.C. (PA) and the American People, as a Public Domain Copyright and Patent.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Grounding Individual Rights in Logical Positivist ...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Grounding Individual Rights in Logical Positivist ...: "The above Article proves that Individual Rights can be Grounded in Logical Positivist Foundationalism. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011..."
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The word phrase "mentally ill" is not legally vali...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The word phrase "mentally ill" is not legally vali...: "The word phrase, 'mentally ill,' is not linguistically or legally valid. In fact, the word phrase, 'mentally ill,' is a reified concept, and..."
The word phrase "mentally ill" is not legally valid
The word phrase, "mentally ill," is not linguistically or legally valid. In fact, the word phrase, "mentally ill," is a reified concept, and thus invalid. Moreover, both Webster's Dictionary and the Oxford Dictionary do not list "mentally ill" as a valid word phrase. Thus, the word phrase "mentally ill" should never be used as a label for any person. In other words, there are not persons who are "mentally ill," and thus no person should ever be called mentally ill.
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