Sunday, March 27, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Declaration of Independence and Sheriff's Law
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Declaration of Independence and Sheriff's Law: "For me, Anthony J. Fejfar, rock bottom law for me is: First, The Declaration of Independence and the Natural Rights of Life, Liberty, and th..."
The Declaration of Independence and Sheriff's Law
For me, Anthony J. Fejfar, rock bottom law for me is: First, The Declaration of Independence and the Natural Rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, based on Natural Law, and as guaranteed by God our Creator. Second, Natural Law, which provides that every person, or existant, public or private, is required to act reasonably when another person or existant's liberty is involved, such that any such other person is not unreasonably harmed. Third, Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, provides that no person or existant is permitted to act illogically, with the result that the life, liberty, puresuit of happiness, contract, or property of anther person or existant is harmed. That which is illogical or sophistry, is that which involves a logical contradiction, such as, attempting to assert, wrongly, that you can have A and not A, in and at the same time and the same place. (C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 (CE), by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Rich Republican Niggers in Congress are Traitors
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Rich Republican Niggers in Congress are Traitors: "There is a new story on the Internet News, that rich, millionaire, Republican niggers are trying to illegally cut disability and old age S..."
Rich Republican Niggers in Congress are Traitors

There is a new story on the Internet News, that rich, millionaire, Republican niggers are trying to illegally cut disability and old age Social Security Benefits. The Republican niggers are wrong for at least three reasons. First, the Social Security Funds can be partially funded with Federal Reserve Economic Development money, off budget, without the use of Tax Money, therefore, there is no budget spending problem. Second, Social Security Benefits, by Law, are fully vested benefits which cannot be legally lowered. Third, there is no rational reason to cut Social Security benefits other than nigger, voodoo, satanism. Obama seems to be literally in bed with these rich, satanic, nigger Senators in Congress. These niggers must be prevented from destroying America. At this point, it seems that Obama might as well be wearing a voodoo mask when he appears in the press. Additionally, it now appears that "Senator" Alan West who is the "nigger" who is trying to cripple the Social Security Fund, is really an illegal alien from Haiti, and is an illegal United States Senator who is not even a United States Citizen.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law: "The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law provides that any Professor who has received Tenure holds of those Professors who voted for him or her for..."
The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law
The Detenurnation Doctrine at Law provides that any Professor who has received Tenure holds of those Professors who voted for him or her for Tenure, and thus, it is illegal and invalid for the junior professor to vote to detenure the more senior professor who voted for the tenure of the junior professor. For example, if Professor John Jones on the Tenured Faculty, voted for the Tenure of tenure cantidate, Sally Smith, then Professor Sally Smith is probibited by law from voted or acting in any way to detenure Professor John Jones, whom Sally Smith holds of. Additionally, once the tenured faculty who voted for the tenure of Professor John Jones is reduced by retirement or otherwise to a number less than 75% of the original voting tenured faculty, then the tenured faculty who, as a group, voted for the tenure of Professor John Jones, do not have the power to detenure Professor John Jones, either. Aditionally, a Professor cannot be detenured for a disability as long as he or she is meeting the requirement of the tenure guidelines under which he or she was tenured, that is, practically competent, teaching, scholarship, and service. Additionally, any meeting of a Faculty or Tenure Committee or Tenured Faculty, is bound by Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, as typically represented by the use of Roberts Rules of Order.
(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Property is Real or at Least Relatively Real
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Property is Real or at Least Relatively Real: "The materialist definition of Property is that Property is a physical thing like a house or a bicycle. Thus, we start with sense experienc..."
Property is Real or at Least Relatively Real
The materialist definition of Property is that Property is a physical thing like a house or a bicycle. Thus, we start with sense experience and then see that any physical, tangible object that I possess, where this can be verified by sense experience, that is, by positivism, is considered real property. Possession is based on the person having a certain amount of control over the tangible thing, such that the person has at least some ability to exclude others from taking the physical, tangible, from his or her possession. Thus, following Blackstone, Magna Charta, Grotius, and John Locke, a person has a right to use reasonable force to exclude others from trying to steal his property, that is, a person has a natural right to prevent others from wrongfully taking possession of the property that the first person has in his or her possession. Now, after awhile, the idea of constructive possession of property came about. Constructive possession of property is where a legal fiction is used to assert that a person possesses property even though the person is out of town, for example. So, if Joe travels to the village 5 miles away, Joe still has constructive possession of his house and his property therein, even though he is not physically present to defend his property as home. Additionally, once property right began to be recognized, people banded together to protect each other's property and property rights, and thus a legal system was formed. Thus, Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, prohibited Sopistry, and began to protect property rights, that is, the person's right to possession of some tangible, physical objects. At this point, we can see that "property" in a sense was no longer just the physical thing in itself, but instead became an intangible legal right. Thus, the Restatement of Property defines Property as "A legal relationship between persons with respect to some thing, tangible or intangible." Thus, property is is both physical and intangible, and the idea of intellectual property which is largely intangible was born. Thus, we can say that property is real, or at least relatively real, and therefore property is not a reified concept. Property starts with the concrete or physical and then moves to intangible aspects. Moreover, we can see that reification is itself an incoherent concept since reification is itself a reified concept. Additionally form property law we can reason to contract law, and then to other forms of law, using logical positivism.
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Secretary of Defense Gates is Coward on Al Queda L...
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: Secretary of Defense Gates is Coward on Al Queda L...: "Terrorist Training in Libya Secretary of Defense Gates is a coward on Libya. It is common knowledge that Libya's Kaddafy is the real leade..."
Secretary of Defense Gates is Coward on Al Queda Libya

Secretary of Defense Gates is a coward on Libya. It is common knowledge that Libya's Kaddafy is the real leader of International Terrorism. The United States should fly remote controlled drone fighter bombers out of Iraq into Libya to help bring down the Kaddafy terorist regime. There are more terrorist training camps in Libya than any place else in the world.
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