The Pittsburgh City Council, in response to the apparent Pizza Crisis in Allegheny County, is now debating new Pizza Regulations under GATT (the General Agreement on Tariff's and Trade).
Bill Clinton: "GATT requires that quality, affordable pizza be available to the citizens of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny County, just as much as it is available in Lincoln, or Omaha Nebraska where medium crust Valentino's and Godfather's Pizza is served."
Mayor Jones: "The Public is demanding accountability on the Pizza issue. Why is it that the midwest has Valentino's medium crust, outstanding pizza, while the public here in Pittsburgh is caught between the dichotomy of choosing between slimy thin crust pizza and bready thick crust pizza."
Councilman Green: "Pizza is it man. Without pizza the world will not turn. Spike Lee tells us this on a regular basis, as well as the cherokee indian president Barak Obamarama. The black community in Pittsburgh needs high quality pizza at an affordable cost. Valentino's from Lincoln, Nebraska is it. Naturally, when they come to Pittsburgh and open their new pizzeria in the old Pizza Hut location is Westview, then things well begin to get better. This current pizza situation is rascist against black pizza eaters, not only here in Pittsburgh but world wide."
Councilman Schneider: "The political ramifications of the availability of good medium crust pizza in Pittsburgh cannot be understated. The greasy Pizza Hut pizza that we have been forced to eat is totally unacceptable. We must join hands and stop aboard on the Pizza Train and bring pizza rights to deserving Pittsburghers now."
Councilwoman Smith: "I cannot stress more the importance of quality pizza to women in Allegheny County. The feminist critique of the patriarchal machismo destructuring of the local pizza market must include the lack of Valentino's Pizza from Lincoln, Nebraska, and the rather sad lack of medium crust pizza in Pittsburgh, in general. The feminist movement especially is telling America of the importance of pizza to pregnant mothers and those mothers with small children to are to some degree addicted to medium crust Pizza such as Valentino's Pizza from Lincoln, Nebraska."
Justice Capparelli: "Every Pennsylvanian has a real, bona fide, individual right to quality medium crust pizza such as Valentino's Pizza from Lincoln, Nebraska. We must not allow the fascist Al Queda terrorists to continue the blockage of medium crust pizza, such as Valentino's Pizza from entering the Pittsburgh Pizza market, and Pennsylvania, in general. Our forefathers did not fighrt the Revolutionary War and the Civil War only to see generations of Pennsylvanians deprived of quality medium crust pizza, such as Valentino's from Lincoln, Nebraska. In a word, why should Bob Devaney and Tom Osborne reap the benefits of Valentinos Pizza while Joe Paterno is denied. Perhaps Joe Paterno's death can be attributed to a lack of sufficient medium crust pizza, such as Valentino's Pizza in his diet. Substandard pizza is a serious problem here in Pennsylvania and if the Obama Administration won't do something about this situation, I guess we will have to do so ourselves. We must all email and write to Valentino's Pizza in Lincoln, Nebraska to ensure an adequate supply of quality medium crust Pizza in Pennsyvlania, staring in Westview, on the Pittsburgh near north side. Also, we must have new pizza regulations enacted to make sure that all Pittsburgh pizzerias serve medium crust pizza, not just the slimy thin crust pizza and the bready thick crust pizza."
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy
Thursday, May 10, 2012
PIzza Crime is Happening
You know, in the old days you could go over to the local pizzeria and think kind thoughts that the pizzeria really is not involved with the italian mafia, and in fact was doing everything it could as family owned business to keep pizza prices affordable for the typical family pizza consumers. Of course, I am not talking about
Valentino's Pizza in Lincoln, Nebraska, who probably has the best pizza in the world, but insists upon charging an outrageous $18 for a large pizza. No, instead I am talking about the local pizzerias in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area who serve slimy thin crust pizza and bready thick crust pizza for $18. Even the $11.99 pizzas are a cheat when you must add extra cheese and several toppings at a $1.50 a shot. You see, it was not that long ago that a large pizza at a pizzeria such a Luigi's in bellevue cost only $5.99, which made the thin slimy and the thick bready crust somewhat more tolerable. Then, however, the local pizzerias decided to form a Pizza Trade Association in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. These pizza moguls were so smart that in order to fool the FBI and the Justice Department they send their kids to a Pirates Baseball games, the bleacher seats of course, to set pizza prices for the next year. So, congratulations Pittsburgh Pizzerias, a job well done. I don't that that the FBI and Justice Department will ever be smart enough to figure this one out, do you?
Valentino's Pizza in Lincoln, Nebraska, who probably has the best pizza in the world, but insists upon charging an outrageous $18 for a large pizza. No, instead I am talking about the local pizzerias in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area who serve slimy thin crust pizza and bready thick crust pizza for $18. Even the $11.99 pizzas are a cheat when you must add extra cheese and several toppings at a $1.50 a shot. You see, it was not that long ago that a large pizza at a pizzeria such a Luigi's in bellevue cost only $5.99, which made the thin slimy and the thick bready crust somewhat more tolerable. Then, however, the local pizzerias decided to form a Pizza Trade Association in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. These pizza moguls were so smart that in order to fool the FBI and the Justice Department they send their kids to a Pirates Baseball games, the bleacher seats of course, to set pizza prices for the next year. So, congratulations Pittsburgh Pizzerias, a job well done. I don't that that the FBI and Justice Department will ever be smart enough to figure this one out, do you?
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The Crime of Misprison of Felon
The Crime of Misprison of Felon, at the Common Law, is analogous to the Crime of False Imprisonment. In a situation where a cop, or an EMS driver, of a Prosecutor, or a Judge, or a Sheriff, etc., throws a person or eixstant into prison or a ward or a nursing home without Due Process and without a Full Adversarial Jury Trial, the prisoner, whether "guilty" or not can, charge the Prison Guards and or the Warden, and or, the Judge, and the Prosecutor, the prisoner can charge the foregoing with Misprison of Felon. The theory behind this is that each person or existnat is presumed innocent until proven guilty after a full Adversarial, Due Process, Jury Trial. The use of the charge of MIsprison of Felon is designed to be used in a system where a person or existant is presumed guilty and is just thrown in jail. Thus, the idea is that even the "guilty" person or existant can bring the charge of Misprison of Felon because he or she or hae has been denied his or her or hae Freedom without Due Process, in violation of Sheriff''s Law, Magna Charta, Grotius, Pennsylvania Charter of 1681, the Delcaration of Independence, the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, the Maryland Constituion of 1776, and the United States Constitution of 1789. (The foregoing is not to be confused with the unconstitutional crime of Misprison of Felony)..
The Foregoing is a Legal Opinion by Anthony J Fejfar B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd., Coif,
Member United States Supreme Court Bar.
The Foregoing is a Legal Opinion by Anthony J Fejfar B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd., Coif,
Member United States Supreme Court Bar.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Opus Dei-Al Quaida Headquarters in Jakarta Indonesia

Terrorist who wants white slavery for American
white women and girls.
The world headquarters for the illegal Trilateral Commission, also know as the Dutch East India Company, is in Jakarta, Indonesia. Both George W. Bush and Barak Obama spend time in Jakarta on Trilateral Commission matters on a regular basis. The Trilateral Commission, namely, the Dutch East Company, is also Opus-Dei and Al Queda (Al Quaida). The Trilateral Commission has its major political and military presence in South Africa, India, and Indonesia. Barak Obama has stated that he is now the majority share holder in the Dutch East India Company, and before him, George W. Bush. It appears that the Dutch East India Company and the Trilateral Commission is run by mullatt-creole neo-nazis with significant support and power involvement by the Japanese. Of course, we all know that Al Queda is a moslem, anti-Christian organization, so it is no surprise that Indonesia is 86% moslem, and typically white or asian, or pacific islander, ethnically. The FBI and CIA must check out all persons who are traveling to Holland, Indonesia, South Africa, and India. This is where the top Al Queda-Dutch East India Company Trilateral Commission plan their evil terrorist activities. Moreover, a significant activity of the Dutch East India Company is to kidnap good looking American women and girls and sell them into white slavery in Asia and India as prostitutes. California is where these women and girls are typically kidnapped. Obama must stop this situation by bombing Jakarta, Indoensia into oblivion, or face his own elimination for treason.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
On Being an American Socialist
The Communist Manifesto of the American Socialist Party, following Karl Marx, stands for the following:
1. To each according to his, her, and or hae need, from each
according to his, her and or hae ability
2. Never treat a person merely as a means to an end.
3. Avoid the commodity fetishism of materialism
4. Do not believe in the false god of irrational authority.
5. Treat another as you would wish to be treated in similar circumstances.
6. The Law must favor those in genuine need.
7. Strive to act reasonably.
8. Avoid the crime and sin of hypocrisy.
9. Strive to live a simple life without being poor.
10. It is a crime and a sin to be a sophist.
11. Every person, without exception, has an individual, natural right of life, existence, liberty,
the pursuit of happiness, contract, property, and reputation, and the individual and
natural right to defend the same, anterior to the existence of the state.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011 C.E,) by Thomas the Apostle, Neothomism, P.C. (PA), King Louis the XIV of New France, House of Stuart, Immortal, and the American People and The People of God as a Public Domain Copyright.
1. To each according to his, her, and or hae need, from each
according to his, her and or hae ability
2. Never treat a person merely as a means to an end.
3. Avoid the commodity fetishism of materialism
4. Do not believe in the false god of irrational authority.
5. Treat another as you would wish to be treated in similar circumstances.
6. The Law must favor those in genuine need.
7. Strive to act reasonably.
8. Avoid the crime and sin of hypocrisy.
9. Strive to live a simple life without being poor.
10. It is a crime and a sin to be a sophist.
11. Every person, without exception, has an individual, natural right of life, existence, liberty,
the pursuit of happiness, contract, property, and reputation, and the individual and
natural right to defend the same, anterior to the existence of the state.
Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011 C.E,) by Thomas the Apostle, Neothomism, P.C. (PA), King Louis the XIV of New France, House of Stuart, Immortal, and the American People and The People of God as a Public Domain Copyright.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Assassination Committee
Fejfar Law, Politics, and Public Policy: The Obama Assassination Committee: Has Obama really had the Clinton's assassinated for being Soviet Spys? The illegal assassination master Barak Obama Reuters News h...
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